Why do computers always go slow when you are in a hurry?

@Rostow (59)
March 6, 2011 3:35pm CST
My computer the other day was so slow I almost missd an essay deadline. I could feel my blood pressure soar as the deadline was approaching and every link took about five minutes to work. Why are computers always soooo unbelievably frustating and slow when you are in a hurry? It is like they have an inbuilt impatience detector or that they follow Sod's Law to the letter. Does anyone else experience this problem,or am I unique in this battle with the computer?
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14 responses
@Iram786 (498)
6 Mar 11
you know what, it may feel like it's going slower but really it's just going at it's normal speed (most of the time anyway) but because you're in such a hurry you just FEEL as though it's going slow, as if it's not keeping up with you. i don't know if you understand me but the same thing happens when you're doing ANYTHING in a hurry, such as when you're putting on your clothes or when you're doing your hair. you feel as though it's taking longer... but really it's not. i don't know, maybe all i'm saying is BS but that's the only explanation i have :).
@Rostow (59)
12 Mar 11
No I think you are right to say sometimes it feels slower. BUT then sometimes it genuinely is actually slower as well.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
7 Mar 11
I guess its a common thing for everyone. or may be we only note its speed when we are in hurry.. I mostly put my notebook on sleep mode so it start fast.
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
7 Mar 11
Its not just you whenever i too have less time i i think of doing some thing on pc like transferring file uploading files .using some software it tends to seems like it taking a long time i think its only because we are in hurry and we want things to move faster but that doesn't seems to happen then we put the blame on computer
@suyash091 (120)
• India
7 Mar 11
computer doesn't go slow at that time you are irritated and you do mistakes also during that time our mindset is negative so we think it as slow.
@bobbajob (80)
7 Mar 11
It's not my computer which goes slow when i'm in a hurry, it's my internet. Whenever i want to download something in the morning before i go out it always decides that its going to take a life time to download tiny things.
@shyraaaa (29)
• United States
7 Mar 11
I show do.It drives me crazy whan it does this. I end up talking to the computer. Sometimes I be trying to complete school work at the last minute and its as if this dorn computer can tell.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Mar 11
I don't think it is only computers, it seems to be life, when you are in hurry driving somewhere I always manage to get caught up in a traffic jam and I am someone who can not bear being late...it always happens.
@rocky17 (180)
• United States
6 Mar 11
Yes man i know exactly what you are saying it does seem as if when you are in a hurry that the computer starts to move extremely slow and starts to stuck a whole lot more than usual, now there is no scientific why to explain this well at least not to me but i do experience this happening very often too, maybe its all in our minds but i really do not think so at all.
• United States
7 Mar 11
Sometimes I wonder if my computer is mocking me and intentionally slowing down. lol... But in actually when we are in a hurry we sometimes invent quick shortcuts and develop impatience. Which bogged down the computer memory and can confuse it to the point where it slows down. I wonder though, do you clear out your cookies and cache, this makes a world of difference. I do about 3 -4 times a day. Best of luck.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
7 Mar 11
It is Murphy's Law.
• United States
6 Mar 11
I know right? This is so irratating :S it always goes slow when needed the most. I hate this and all we could do is stare at the screen waiting for it to load. " Loading ". It just takes way too long. But i guess its because of our computer type, age, or whatnot.
• United States
7 Mar 11
It doesn't matter how fast your computer is... they get their revenge on us.
• United States
6 Mar 11
I hate that feeling also, I like to wait until the last minute and almost missed the deadline because the computer was really slow.
• Indonesia
7 Mar 11
I think it's just your thought that you feel your computer walks very slowly. It happens me once when I'm in hurry. Normally, I would just open 4 until 6 windows at my computer. But since I'm in hurry, suddenly I open more than that and slowly, it burns my computer to the max until it overheats and shutdown completely. Once I realize I work it too much hard, I begin to learn that hurry won't help me finish something. It will just break my computer. When my computer is break down, I think I can scream loudly. I just don't want that happen because my neighborhood will hear that.