Seems that women react like men when a handsome guy shows up!

March 9, 2011 1:52pm CST
OK, this is my personal opinion.Today, I was shopping at the supermarket.I was standing in the line when this guy came in.He looked like some movie character.Someone from Underworld or Twilight, or any of those vampire movies.He was more than a good-looking,I admit that.I felt uncomfortable for him because two girls just stood behind him, one tried to touch him,even the cashier was smiling with that wicked smile.He just made the women around smile,whisper and chuckle.It reminded me of men who whistle when a female beauty shows up. Maybe girls can be stalkers too, what do you think?
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15 responses
• United States
9 Mar 11
Of course women can be stalkers it's not only for men. Being a stalker is really creepy, I don't believe the girls at the market were stalking him, just liking what they see.
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• Lithuania
9 Mar 11
Yes, they were just staring, but one girl tried to touch him and that was a bit too much.Maybe he enjoyed that kind of attention, I don't know!
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
9 Mar 11
Yes, of course. In the end men and women are not that different. Men just have a bigger need to be macho and to show off to other men I think, which is why it is more common that guys behave like this.
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• Lithuania
9 Mar 11
Yes, guys love to impress others,to be a man means to impress other men.And it isn't always about the girl.Sometimes it's about pride.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
9 Mar 11
Hi Silver! How've you been, has been a while! I've seen women giving cat-calls every bit as enthusiastically as men. Mostly it's when a group gets together and is having (what they feel) is fun. Some recipients seems to like such behavior, others are offended by it. Personally, I think it's childish, but maybe I'm just a spoilsport.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
9 Mar 11
Girls here NEVER go wild for no reason. Just give us a minute or two, and we have no problem finding a reason! WooHoo! Glad you're back
• Lithuania
9 Mar 11
Yes, I was inexcusably inactive. Nice to see you dear! You know, it was childish, and strange, and I had the impression that girls went wild for no reason there.I wonder if he's the one to blame.Maybe it's spring,a season of love.
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• Lithuania
9 Mar 11
Girls just wanna have fun!This is an excuse for everything we do. Home sweet home!
• United States
10 Mar 11
Of course. It calls hormones. Men and women can get that too. Men can be a little bit worse than women because they just don't stop drooling when they see a hot chick. Women can be a bit more conservative and know when to draw the line.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
I forgot about hormones, you're right.There's a physiological reason for this behavior.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
10 Mar 11
Farolista... So you were the one touching him? :P
• Germany
10 Mar 11
Hormones can be really tricky, sometimes I just can't controlle them!
• India
9 Mar 11
ya its true even girls are also human even they have feelings and they also get attracted to someone who looks good.nothing to get surprised in this.
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• Lithuania
9 Mar 11
You're right, it's a human nature and still can't believe that it works this way!
@Pinoer (69)
• Bulgaria
10 Mar 11
There is nothing wrong to be attracted by someone that is beautiful, but the stalking is very wrong and ugly.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
And forbidden by law in some countries.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Mar 11
Ok I'd look, but I wouldn't try to touch. That's just rude....
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Mar 11
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
10 Mar 11
Yea, totally agree with that. I just saw a good looking guy also today at the shopping. Wow, I nearly wink my eyes at him. After that, I totally embarrased thinking how on earth I could do that too like a men. HA HA Girls can be stalkers too!
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
See, it's really happening!Girls turn into stalkers!
@ajamiro (160)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
That's cool. But you're right women also like men when a handsome guy shows up. We can't help it but admire him so much because the guy is handsome.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
Yes, admire and melt in front of this miracle!
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
Nope. It means women are also flesh and blood.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
Yes they are!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
For me yes because it is the Jehovah God made the person to show appreciation.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
Human being is the best creation so far.
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
yes ofcourse. being men or women doesnt make a difference when it comes to admiring a person. but maybe only a few among women will do stalk a guy.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
I hope so.
• United States
9 Mar 11
LOL, equal rights to admire, maybe they thought he was a celebrity and or were very smitten by his handsome looks.
• Lithuania
9 Mar 11
He had that air of a celebrity, but why on earth would such a famous guy go to a place like that?It's one of the worst supermarkets in the area.
• Bulgaria
9 Mar 11
Women are so starting to act like men nowadays.Some of us are becoming even more brave than men when it comes to hitting ot hotties.It is really normal and I had catched myself a couple of times looking at and talking about a handsome man the way guys talk about women.But that fact sometimes makes me nostalgic about the times women were shy and classy,and fragile...I dont think those times would ever come back but always when I see a woman act like a lady in all her reactions it makes me respect her very much and wish I had just a little of that grace and pride.And I should say that these ladies are very rare.
• Lithuania
10 Mar 11
Some say that sexes switch places and there are more and more evidences through the years.I've noticed that teenage girls are braver these days.I was a rebellious teenager,but I struggled to start a conversation with a guy.Nowadays it would look silly. I like the fact that guys pay more attention to their clothes, and hair,and style.
@cajimenez (452)
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
Women like men appreciate beauty too. Whoever says that men alone should enjoy good things? Women have equal rights pertains to that matter. It's not necessarily means stalking,, just admiration..