Homegrown "Muslim" Terrorists Hearings

@gladys46 (1205)
United States
March 10, 2011 8:09am CST
This a.m. House Republican Rep. Peter King holds hearings that he claims will determine ways to garner more cooperation within the American Muslim community in the "war on terror" -- but, is he creating anxiety within that American religious order? Can the implications of Rep. King's hearings be considered an attack on a religion, a crusade.
4 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Mar 11
This is one of those rare issues I will agree with you on. It's all about the need to have an ever present "boogie man" to scare us in to accepting the loss of more liberty. I don't know that it is an attack on a religion (though that could be loosely considered a side effect), it is more about keeping alive the image of something scary to justify the need for more laws and continued war.
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@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
10 Mar 11
I think the "hearing's" very subject title "The Radicalization of American Muslims" is fueling collective blame to an entire religious group. I also think that this is purely partisan ideological warfare on Americans. Do we demonize the Catholic church it's religion for the bad behaviors of "some" priest? Did we hold hearings regarding the stalkings, terrorizings even assassinations of abortion doctors and staff members ... no!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Mar 11
"Do we demonize the Catholic church it's religion for the bad behaviors of "some" priest?" Yes, we most certainly did. Go on and ask anyone what they think of when you mention Catholic priests. They've been demonized plenty. X, I do feel that something should be done about the radicalization, but I agree, this is likely just a ploy to put in more measures that take away our liberty.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Not to worry xfahctor ... sometimes I agree with you too!! ;) So far, the witnesses called by Mr. King are doing precisely what most believed would happen ... they are demonizing the Muslim religion period. With one exception so far, and that was the passionate testimony of our Nation's first Muslim congressional representative. Shame on Mr. King!
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Mar 11
I'm very curious who's going to hold congressional hearings into Rep King's terrorist sympathies and connections to the IRA. Talk about chutzpah!
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@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Yep ... that is his documented history but, somehow that's different! I'm listening to the testimonies being aired right now on C Span 3. Clearly Mr. King and his republican collegues cannot get it threw their thick heads that they are indeed demonizing an entire religious group. They have invited Muslims to speak about being mistreated by Muslims, a parent whose son was converted to Islam while away at college!! It's all designed to speak poorly about Muslims! What's really interesting is that there is so far one professional (a police sheriff from CA) that would discuss the fact that there are so many groups including those apparent government agencies who are doing exactly what Mr. King is attempting to pretend is not happening ... terror watches! In my opinion, this is more republican theatrics ... more kneejerk demonstrations of power hungry. grabbing republicans.
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@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Okay, to be more accurate, this African Am. witness' son was charged with a terrorist act after being converted to a radical Muslim. This witness is a very sorryful parent. In Candice Miller's (R-Michigan) opening statements, her prepared language reveals a Muslim woman who came into a DMV office to take her picture for a driver's licenses ... this "Muslim" woman wanted to take her picture wearing her burka (ck sp .. or head covering)...Rep. Miller goes on to say that this woman was refused and was made to remove her head covering! What does that have to do with cooperating in a national "war on terror"? Was the representative suggesting that America deny Muslim women from wearing their religious head covering???
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
10 Mar 11
correction = "a very sorrowful parent"
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Did you happen to see Congressman Keith Ellison's emotional testimony, which some on the right is now mocking mercilessly? I think Rep. King has probably done great harm to our reputation throughout the Muslim world in one day and has shown the utmost disrespect to thousands of Muslim-Americans who are every bit as "American" as King is. Annie
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Yes Annie I did watch the so-called hearings! I cried with Mr. Ellison! Mr. Ellison corrected the record of a great American "hero" ... a Muslim man who gave his life in assisting his fellow American in danger. This man's very character had been smeared by evil, meanspirited Americans such as Mr. King. I also watched and listened to Mr. King absolutely, flat out LIE sitting in his high elected seat!! After Rep. Jackson-Lee rebuked him (King) for previously saying that there were "too many Mosques in America," he placed on the record, "I never said that there were too many Mosues in America" ...later in the evening, MSNBC on the Clenk show, the video of his saying EXACTLY that was aired!! Mr. King designed that demonize American muslim tribunal to include folks that would tell of their horrific treatments by muslims ... that was his intention, that is what he did ... he gained no professional tactical information ... that is not what you expect from victims!!
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Anything is only how we perceive it. Everyone says they are trying to help but with government and people in power we can never know their true intentions.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
10 Mar 11
So, how do you think American Muslim's will perceive ... more importantly, how will the world's vast Muslim community perceive this tribunal?