World of WArcraft Cataclysm - Worth going back to?

March 10, 2011 12:23pm CST
Hey I used to play World of Warcraft back in Classic and then quit before Wrath of the Lich King. Is it worth going back for Cataclysm? Has much changed since the days of classic?
3 responses
24 May 11
Cataclysm is currently still growing. It is a different game from when you left, many big changes in the UI and Gameplay have occured but the core of the game is still there. The Raid content is harder than it was in wotlk, almost at TBC levels, but not quite. The pvp is boring and all classes have become homogenized. The questing is alot better and generally more interactive that previouse expansions. Gold is easy to get. There is alot of standing around in stormwind when not raiding ect. IMO its a great game, but it may not have the same excitement and buzz that it had when you left!. If you do come back i hope you enjoy the great game again, and if not, dont worry your not missing too much :)
• Czech Republic
9 Apr 11
I think it is worth it. Cataclysm offers new possibilities.
• United States
10 Mar 11
no, you should just play DDO