spam from friends on facebook.

United States
March 14, 2011 11:01am CST
Lately I have been getting alot of spam mail and IMs from my friends on facebook. This too also happen to me in the fall. I had to deactivate my account for a short time then change my email. I would like to ask if any of you had the same problem. Also how did you solved this?
2 responses
@joystick (1675)
15 Mar 11
There are always spam that people get sent, no matter what social site you belong to.I just delete all the spam as soon as i get it.I do not go on face book much, but when i do, i tend not to be on there long, as i like other sites that are alot better.I get some spam on here in my message box as well and that always gets deleted straight away.
• India
14 Mar 11
yes it happens thats y before adding some unknown person you should take care.and dnt add whom u feel not good.and once u already getting spam the first thing i would suggest u is just block that person and change ur privacy setting and keep it like only u and ur frnd can see ur updates. that help you out.just try it.