$30,000 For Your Kid's Birthday...Woud You Do It?

@jameygc (452)
United States
March 15, 2011 10:59am CST
Last night I was watching tv, and I saw this show about parents spending $30,000 or more in a birthday party for a 6 years old kid! It was incredible to me! The mother actually let her little daughter make all decisions for the party! My very personal opinion about this? I wont do it. That's now, just imagine when those kids grown up. Kids need to learn the real value of money and how much mommy and daddy have to work to get the things they want. That way they will appreciate all the efforts we made for them. But that is just my very personal opinion. What do you think? Would you do a party so expensive for your little one?
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26 responses
• United States
15 Mar 11
Wow! I find that completely insane. Unless this person was Bill Gates I'm offended by this. I probably would spend 500$ max on my children's birthday party/gift. That money could have easily been giving to a charity instead of a party that lasted one day. That is selfish and it really bothers me
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
15 Mar 11
i would do it i have enough funds to afford it! Birthdays are special and stop being a hater!:P kids do grow up and learn and if you dont let em make mistakes how are they suppose to learn? :P
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
15 Mar 11
No, that's ridiculous. What do you do for an encore? When the child is 18, she'll be expecting you to buy her a house and a new car. She will be spoiled and probably irresponsible and without any idea of how or why to work or do things for herself. That makes people unhappy, dependent and manipulative. Who would want to do that to their own child?
@jameygc (452)
• United States
15 Mar 11
That is true, and you just should see the attitude of this little girl!! My God!
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
15 Mar 11
Hi. jameygc. Welcome to myLot! No. I would not do anything like this. This is sad to spend all of this money like this. I would put all of this money into their savings account. I feel like a parent should not spend so much of money on a party. Besides the kids will tear up all of the wrapping off the gifts and they will want to just play and play. Spending $30,000 is just not worth it at all.
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@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
23 Mar 11
Oh no! There is so much of value out there to spend money on and that doesn't cost that much! I will tell you I think the most I ever spent on a child's b-day party was 50 dollars. And for me that is even stretching it. My oldest daughter had wanted a High-School Musical themed party for awhile so I went and bought the cake from Walmart. But they were out of the toppers for it so they gave me a discount and I found a HSM lip compact for 2 dollars and put that on top of the cake instead. I bought a gallon of ice-cream and bought red paper plates (not the HSM themed plates, but these were the right color) I bought my daughter the HSM themed cup because it was her B-day, but all the other kids had white cups and I bought HSM stickers for them to decorate their disposable cups with. I went to the Dollar store and bought my daughter some HSM hand sanitizer and a few other fun dollar gifts. I also bought her stuff at the thrift store. I think the most I spent money on that year was the cake! The kids all LOVED the party and we wound down the day by watching her HSM movies. The cake was also a disaster! I don't remember the kind of icing I got on it but it was waxy and it stained everything, so I recommend being careful what icing you get. In the future I will probably just make the cake myself for cheaper and let the b-day girl help decorate it. And then go buy the cake topper myself again for real cheap. The point is that there is no reason on EARTH that you would need to spend 30,000 dollars on a birthday party. And part of a parent's gift to the child is the b-day party so I wouldn't let my daughter choose the details of the party.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
18 May 11
Totally with with you my friend!
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
16 Mar 11
No, I think I would save to buy a nice gift that's something they will play with for at least 6 months and have lots of fun and save the rest for college or for something they will want and I want to give when they are 18 to 21
@jameygc (452)
• United States
18 May 11
You are going to spend much less in a gift and they are going to enjoy it more. You are right.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
15 Mar 11
There's no way I would ever throw a party like that! I think it's insane lol. You have to ask yourself: what is this teaching that little kid?! It's teaching her all the wrong lessons. It's teaching her she can get whatever she wants no matter what the cost. Instead of teaching a life lesson about money, it's doing the reverse. What happens when someday the parents cannot afford such lavish extravaganzas? I bet the kid would pitch a fit. Then too, there's next year...what will the child expect then? I really think these kinds of parents do this to impress their friends in the 'look what I can do' sort of way. I think this kind of thing is the perfect recipe for a spoiled child who probably won't learn the value of money, or others feelings.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
15 Mar 11
I have to say you are right JoyfulOne, those kids are not learning the value of money and every year they are going to want more and more.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Mar 11
hi jameygc wow thats so silly and how can they justify spengding thast much on a kids birthday? better to donate that mush money to a worth while charity, Even if they are really well to do why waste money on a kids birthday party when its the fun of friends and games and gifts and the birthday cake that most kids want.I would never have done that evrn if I had had that kind of money.All kids should be taught the real value of money and how not to waste it.
• Pamplona, Spain
20 Mar 11
Hiya JGC, Nor me personally I would not spend all that money on a Daughters´s Birthday Party either. It´s way too much and especially for a child of that age. They have a different view of the World at that age no matter how much we like to pretend otherwise. Way too expensive and way too much pampering. Of course it´s their Child but for me personally that would be a big no no right from the start. If you give a child that much they will not be able to appreciate anything.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
16 Mar 11
That is a huge amount of money! I can't see myself spending that kind of money even on an occasion such as a wedding. Spending it on a child's birthday party is out of this world! How can children be expected to learn the true value of money when such extremes amounts are spent on entertainment. I would not care how wonderful the party might be, i could not spend that kind of money on a birthday party. So much more good in the world could be done with that kind of money.
@cloud31 (5809)
16 Mar 11
Definitely not..Its not worth to spend just for a birthday party for a kid..Its not that I don't want to spend but that too much for a birthday party.This way is just a waste for me..I would just have to spend for a simple but memorable b'day party if ever.There are many ways in celebrating a kids birthday and that not cost much ...A practical way is just fine for me.. Happy myLotting!
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
16 Mar 11
No, I van not even imagine of spending such an amount for celebrating birthday of my kid.
16 Mar 11
This is ridiculous, to spend that amount especially on a child that age, it seems like the parents have more money than sense. Times are hard and many people find it difficult to make ends meet yet this family can throw $30,000 for a party. In a word, pathetic. To also allow the child to decide what she wanted is awful also. We need to teach our children the value of money, those that get too much always expect it, a child should learn the true value of money. The parents are setting a bad example here, they may be able to afford it but that is not the point, the daughter will expect this every year now, i wonder what she will get for her 18th or 21st? A mansion? this seriously is just so very very wrong.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
16 Mar 11
As much as I would like to, I don't think I have such money to spare. And then even IF I do, I rather spend the money for the family than for just a six year old. Some parents feel that money can buy or show love...hopefully their investment don't go down the drain when the child grows up. But perhaps they are so rich that their 30K is like our 30 cents? They will probably wonder what's all the fuss about that I have just mentioned...LOL.
@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Mar 11
Even if I am rich enough, I won't spend money like this. We shall teach a good concept of how to spend the money well for our children. This birthday party is just like a money show-up. Children may have a wrong thoughts and they think money can go easily. They will not have ambition to fight what they want. As they know they are rich, they don't want to work hard. It will be a bad effect for them in a long term. I love China
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
16 Mar 11
HI, For me, I would spent my money so much on my kid's birthday. of course, I do allow to have birthday party for my son,but there should have certain budget to spend on and it is kinda overspent for $30,000 for kid's birthday party. Money is not easy to earn and as a parents, we should emphasize to our kid on how to save money and spend money wisely. So if the kid saw the parents spend money as they like, in future, the kids will follow the parents' habit and it will become a bad habit for the kids in future. Instead, when they are young, we should train them on how to save their money ,like giving them a piggy bank and teach them to drop the coins they have into the piggy bank.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
Hi Jameygc! Welcome to Mylot! No I wouldn't spend that much for a birthday party. There are more important things to spent it on like an educational plan for him. Besides I doubt if he would even appreciate such a fabulous party. My son is contented if he has a birthday cake where he can blow his candle. A new toy to go with it and he is happy already. At an early age we should instill good values to our children and throwing a fabulous party isn't gonna help them.
@psyches (59)
• United States
16 Mar 11
I guess its their money to do what they want. What I don't understand is why any family would sign up for a show like this that makes them look shallow and weird.
@kaizel (82)
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
In my opinion, it is not a good thing to let your kids have expensive things in an early age because when they grew up, they will become brats. It is a fact because kids this days are more interested in WANTS rather than NEEDS. If I were that mom, I will give my child a birthday party but not to that extreme. Instead of using all the money for the birthday party, i will save it in her bank account.
16 Mar 11
it is alot of money to spend on something like a party, but i've seen people spend way more on little things. Has anyone seen sweet 16, now that is just dumb. But they can afford it so they do it, if im being completel honest, if i could i'd probably spend 30,000 pounds on a dress, let alone a party