Why pay for a dog when you can get it for free?

March 19, 2011 11:15am CST
I wonder why do people spend so much money for buying a pure breed dog when they can get mutts for free.Mutts love you the same way pure breeds do.Most of the people adopt dogs either for guarding the house and for playing with it.Almost all dogs would do that.i wonder why would a lot of people feel ashamed to adopt a mutt. When i was going to adopt a dog many people that i asked about it told me that mutt dogs are good for nothing,etc.But i still adopted a mutt because i didnt want to buy a dog.But now i feel proud that i did the right thing by saving a life.
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12 responses
• Canada
19 Mar 11
I certainly agree that not everyone needs to own a pure breed. I know for those that hope to breed the dog in the future, its lineage is critical for many reasons. But a mixed breed will certainly love you just as much :) I was told my last dog was a scottish terrier/bichon mix but I always believed he was more schnauzer than anything else. I got him from a pet shop and I am positive they misidentified him. Anyway, he was an amazing dog with just the best temperament. However, I don't know too many options for getting a dog for free... unless a friend or family member is giving you the dog. I regularly review the website for a non-profit dog rescue that is not too far from my home. To adopt one of their rescue dogs costs $350 and if it's a senior dog, 8 years of age or more, it's $250. That fee includes a vet exam, sterilization, vaccination, anti-flea treatment and de-worming. At the closest SPCA to my home, the adoption fee for puppies up to 8 months is $285, for dogs 8 months and older, it's $235 and what they call compassionate adoption is $75. In addition to having to have the money to care for these dogs, I think fees are also in place to help avoid impulse adoptions. If people could come in and get a dog for free, I think they'd be getting a lot of them back in a few weeks or months when those people decide that the cute puppy they saw is less appealing to them as a bigger dog or having a pet is a lot more work and expense than they expected. When people have to lay down money for a dog, they may consider more carefully whether or not they are willing to give it a home forever... which is the ultimate goal :))
• Canada
20 Mar 11
Wow... nothing related to pet care here is that inexpensive. Before my dog passed, I know I rarely left a vet appointment without a bill in the hundreds of dollars. Oh and not only does the rescue charge $350, you cannot just go and pick a dog and take it home immediately. You have to fill out an adoption application and they assess whether or not you are an appropriate match to the dog you want (i.e., if it is a very small dog or a young pup, you have to prove that it won't be left alone all day and such) and they also assess your home (do you have a fully fenced in yard so the dog won't run away, etc.) Basically, they only want to place each dog once... they don't want them to be returned.
• India
20 Mar 11
I think they shouldn't be charging this much money for dogs in rescue homes.In my place there are lots of dogs in the street.10 in 1 vaccination costs just $5 and anti-rabies vaccination is free of cost,and you need to pay for the syringe only,,lol.Anti flea and deworming medicines are dirt cheap also. If they charge 350$ for a rescued dog then nobody would want to adopt it!
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• India
20 Mar 11
I think in your place you have to pay good amount as consultation fee for the vets.In the vaccinations that i buy it says it is imported from usa.If i can get it for 5$ in here then you should be getting it for a much cheaper price than that.I've never been charged more than 7$ for vaccination and another 3$ (don't laugh) for sterilization.
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• United States
20 Mar 11
Some people are looking for certain traits in a dog, a certain look or even one that doesn't shed...size can also have something to do with it, some breeds are smaller than others. If one were looking for a hunting dog it would depend on what one wanted to hunt...the labs, retrievers and setters are all bird dogs, for example, to hunt birds one would not want a beagle mix. People who are allergic and still want a dog often look to the non-shedding breeda, such as poodles and schnauzers. People who want a protection dog usually want a large breed with a reputation for being protective or even vicious in defense. Others are looking for personality traits that are strong in the breed. Australian shepherds are herding animals used to help control flocks in the fields. It all depends on why a dog is wanted. If a dog is wanted for a companion, then a mutt will do the job better than most.
• India
21 Mar 11
I think most of the people would want a dog for companionship and for guarding the house.Any dog would serve these two requirements..Only some people would want their dog for a specific purpose.
• United States
22 Mar 11
I myself look for certain traits in dogs, I hunt, I have had herd animals and I have utilized dogs for protection and I still enjoy the mixed breeds some of which can show the best traits of all the mixes in them.
@gstitzer (103)
• United States
20 Mar 11
I couldn't agree more. I have 2 dogs both were free. The one is a mixed breed (a black lab/german shorthair pointer mix the other is a purebred german shepherd. Both are rescues and both bring tremendous joy to my life and you can tell that they are so appreciative of their new lives with me and my family.
• India
20 Mar 11
Good to hear that you didn't BUY a dog but adopted it.I have a pom/IN mix which my friend was going to abandon when he was a pup..and the dog brings tremendous joy to my life also.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
23 Mar 11
Hello Ravi, Those who are ashamed to adopt a mutt may be snobs. I'm afraid many people want pure breed dogs for the same reason they buy a Mercedes, a Rollex or a Louis Vuitton leather purse. They want to amaze. Many of them don't have any idea what are the needs of a dog, and when the cute puppy grows into a large dog, they abandon him. This kind of people don't deserve to own a dog at all. For me, all dogs are beautiful. I know they are all intelligent and mutts can also be good companions but I fell in love with Airedales many years ago and for decades I thought I could never live without one by my side. Now I'm at my second Airedale Terrier and I am still in love with this type of dog. I wouldn't change it for no other dog but I think that if we had more room, the second dog would be an adopted adult stray. Unfortunately we live in a small apartment and there is no room for a second dog.
• India
23 Mar 11
hi inu i am also resistant to change.I have a pom/?? mix and i wish I could get the same breed again.But I think i can't because mutts are one of a kind..lol. My conscience make me feel like I should get a stray dog next time.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
I agree with you people would always feel proud to have a pure breed dog , I guess it has something to do with status symbol. But I don't own a pure breed dog, what I have is mutt,yes loving and sweet but always fierce when strangers come to my house,ready to fight for me.He is not also a picky dog,he eats everything except (until now I don't know why) veggies. He just hate veggies!
• India
23 Mar 11
Good to hear that you have a mutt.I used to feel uncomfortable when I walk my dog through the streets because he isn't a pure breed,which was mainly because i was new to dogs.But now i don't care one bit about that.Before adopting the dog i asked many friends about mutts and most of them told me that mutts are worthless etc,but they all were wrong.
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
19 Mar 11
Well I think mutts can be cute too. The breed doesn't really matter, what matters most is the loyalty and companionship you will gain :)
• India
20 Mar 11
ya many mutts look way better than some pure breed dogs,like pug etc.
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 11
hahaha... well pugs are adorably ugly ^^
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
19 Mar 11
I have allergies to fur that moults. Therefore when I wanted to get a dog I found out which ones are non-moulting. One of these is the poodle and on the list they are possible to get. I found out I could get a standard poodle which is large, a miniature poodle which is medium or a toy poodle which is small. In those days I was working full time term time only. So I didn't think an animal charity would accept me. I looked on the Internet at adverts for puppies for sale. I lived in Kent at that time and found some miniature poodles in Lancashire. I spoke to the breeder on the phone and arranged to buy a male miniature poodle called Secret Party Circle. I went up there by train one Friday evening, stayed in a guest house then the next day went to get my first dog. He is white with black patches. Two years later I got my second dog, Magic May Flower, from a train station in Essex. The breeder had met me there with Magic's mom. Now I work part time and have lots of time with my two dogs. My dogs don't upset my fur allergy. I think that all of the dogs in rescue centers deserve a loving home. When I was a teenager I saw two standard poodles at an animal rescue place called Bill and Ben. I wasn't in the position when I could have had those lovely poodles.
• India
20 Mar 11
if you are allergic to dog fur then it is better to buy a dog of your choice. In my place there are no rescue centres for dog and i see dogs all around the street.That's what made me think why can't people adopt a stray dog.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Mar 11
Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free? Its an old saying that is intended to be a sarcastic joke. The meaning is, if you can steal the milk there is no use buying the cow! Realistically speaking you only get what you pay for! Would you feel good about yourself if you were stealing milk? How much better would you feel about yourself if you spend more on a new pup, so he would grow into a dog to be proud of?
• India
20 Mar 11
I wonder how do you connect stealing milk with adopting puppy.Mutts also grow into dogs and there is nothing to be proud of.
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
I have one and I bought him lol. Cheaper price though. I think people shouldn't be looking about the breed and all. Like you I don't care too. I hate it when people are 'ashamed' (due to lack of term maybe) about having or adapting a mutt dog. We have several of them for years I grow up and never had a pure bred dog at our house. They have behaved pretty well and they'll love you same way pure bred dogs do.
• India
20 Mar 11
right.Some of my friends,even some members in my house have asked me why can't I get a pure breed instead of having an inferior dog.That's what make me sick.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
20 Mar 11
I know people can save lives but instead they make more it's very selfish to let your dog have puppies because you just create more when there is already to many. Maybe think the dog would be viocuios because it's previous owners abandoned it.
• India
20 Mar 11
rightly said.I have seen a lot of people who don't sterilize their dog and when it litters they abandon the pups even at a very younger age.Everyone who dont have intention to use their dogs for breeding should neutralize their dogs.That will be the only solution to the problem.
• United States
20 Mar 11
I just love dogs. They can be such a good companion. Adopting a dog is so much better. It's free, like you said.We are also giving the dog a nice family to belong to and love. You never know what the dog has been through so we can give a second chance. Buying dogs from stores or breeders can be costly. Some dont charge that much but I have seen the prices. They are high. I looked at a cute shitzu at pet stores and they are charging 800.00 for it. Wow.
• India
20 Mar 11
If there are rescue homes in your place then i think it is better to get a dog from there than buying a pure breed.
• Australia
3 Apr 11
I have been given dogs a lot and brought them up. Unfortunately I then had to give them away. My last pup I had was my baby boy and he was a pure breed foxy and he was giving to me for my birthday. I had him for 6 years and just before christmas I had to put him down. Now I have a cavelier x and I paid $200 for her from a lady that breeds them. If I could have gotten a dog for free i would have but it is extremely hard where I live to get a small lap dog for nothing. The only dogs they give away around here are blue heelers, collies and work dogs which I am not allowed to have.