do you follow traffic signals?

@singuri (571)
March 23, 2011 9:32am CST
Generally, in India, you rarely find people following traffic rules.People dont follow traffic signals and Officials issue licences to the people who dont understand traffic signs.Corruption is making people to ignore rules. Many accidents are taking place due to this process.What do you suggest to teach people basic traffic knowledge?
5 responses
• India
23 Mar 11
Hi friend, Problem in India is that people get used to correption.Many people don't hesitate to pay more money to the officers for driving lisence.Why people just don't understand that traffic rules, traffic signals and license issueing system is for our own safety.Moreover there are no traffic signals in small cities in India.If we follow all the traffic rules we can definately avoid the accidents. Happy mylotting.
• India
23 Mar 11
i dont follow traffic sigals.....!!!!......i was just joking.when i ride my bike or my car i strictly follow traffic signal.because when we dont follow traffic signal,there major chances of we should follow trafic signal to avoid accidents......
@singuri (571)
• India
23 Mar 11
Yes, many people hesitate to pay more money. Even the fine is high, around 500 or 700. So, no one wants to pay extra, if you can escape by giving some 50 rupees.Traffic rules should be taught at the primarly level in schools.That is the only way to get rid of accidents.
@zralte (4178)
• India
24 Mar 11
I have to say that is one way. But what are we going to do about adults who are already driving without knowing the basic rules?
@anil02 (24688)
• India
23 Mar 11
Do you know that in India more over driving licences is granted without any driving taste. To teach the people basic education is necessary. Second penalities for viloation of traffuce rules should be so hight that every one have the fear of it.
@singuri (571)
• India
23 Mar 11
If the penalities are high, the more the corruption is. People are not afraid of fine. They just pay some 50 or 100 bucks to escape the violation. People themselves should feel responsible about paying more attention to traffic rules.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
23 Mar 11
HI, same thing in my country too... it is hard for them to follow the law but over here, in the USA, I can't do what my ppl in my country do... otherwise I will get a ticket. I have to follow cuz there are many police out there as well, plus it is my own safety so I must follow
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
23 Mar 11
Interesting. Here in the U.S., you follow the rules or you get ticketed. Someone I know got a speeding ticket just yesterday - to the tune of $125 which has to be paid by April 1. If it goes unpaid, then they could issue an arrest warrant. I guess you've added to my list of places where I'll never drive.
@zralte (4178)
• India
24 Mar 11
The problem is so deep rooted that I am afraid it's not going to be solved in the near future. Driving on Indian road, you need to be alert at all times. With wrong way traffic, bicycle, motorcycle, auto rickshaws...etc.No one care about others. I believe the main reason is because we don't respect each other. I hate driving at night because it is a complete hazard. No one thinks of putting their head lights at Low cannot see anything because the traffic behind you glare your rearview mirror and the traffic on the opposite road blinded you. I could go on and on about the traffic rules broken on Indian road. The best thing, right now, in my opinion, is to tell everyone we know and try to educate them. Follow the rules ourselves, tell everyone we can. Teaching children is good, but then if they don't see their parents doing it, they are not going to do it. Even our traffic police are not aware of some basic rules!!!!