Age diference in relationships

United States
March 23, 2011 6:19pm CST
will there be problems if i decide to get in a relationship with a guy whos 4 years younger? im 31 at the moment and hes 27 but weve known each other for close to 5 years now and he likes me the same way i like him hes from mexico and im from puerto rico so were from far away places and we do have alot of things in common but sometimes guys that young still want to experiment with other girls and see what else is out there and im scared to get involved and then get hurt as usual
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21 responses
@adnileb (5258)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Hi there jass! (Well, I just ate tacos yesterday. yum!) Love is love. Love is not age nor beauty. Love is felt and not seen. Remember that. Trust is the key to any relationship. Be it friendship or marriage. My mother is 10 years younger from my father yet they still made it up to now and forever I wish. So age doesn't matter really. Welcome to myLot, tacojass!!! You said you're from Puerto Rico, right? How come you registered United States as your country here in mylot?
@adnileb (5258)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
Oh, I see.. Well, good luck to your journey of love tacojass!
• United States
25 Mar 11
thanks for the advice im from puerto rico but live in the US been here since ive been 2 years old
• United States
24 Mar 11
Hi tacojass and a warm welcome to you to myLot! Four years is not a huge age gap at all. It certainly depends on the maturity level of the person. So as long as the both of you want the same things out of the relationship and life the age difference should not be an issue. How does he feel about the age difference?
• United States
24 Mar 11
He dosent have a problem with the age ive known him for a while now and in his past relationships the girls have been older so i guess he like older women
• United States
24 Mar 11
That is great to hear then your relationship is off to a great start!
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Hi Tacojass! Welcome to Mylot! Age shouldn't be an issue in a relationship, what matters is the feeling of love you both share in the relationship. I think the maturity level of an individual is not based on the age because sometimes there are older men who thinks like a teenager. 4 years isn't much of a great difference so I don't think you are a cougar. Some women looked even younger than their age. As long as you love each other, age difference shouldn't be an issue.
24 Mar 11
Age doesnt matter in a relationship as long as your happy.. dont be scare but be strong.. cause relationship has its own ups and down.. just be prepared always.. think of the positive side rather that negative..
• India
27 Mar 11
hi i am rahul from india. dear!!! well dear as you said you both know each other from five year then what you really think. think it just by your mind is he really doing any experiment. if you cant find answer then i think you have to talk with him and ask him clearly. but listen when you ask him that you have to be so emotional dear. and theni think you will get answer hope this will help you dear.
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
Age does not matter in my opinion. I knew a lot of people with a huge age gap like 10 yrs apart yet they manage to be with each other. Most people thought that age will matter and you will hear a lot of comments from people. But for whatever things that they will say it does not matter as long as you both love each other and does not hurt anybody then that's okay. Relationships does not have an assurance that you will be happy forever. There are no relationships that will be happy and will not be hurt. Relationships are risks that we are willing to take. sacrifices that must be make sometimes in order to make a relationship work.
• United States
24 Mar 11
Speaking for myself, I feel that age is just a number and if two people fall in love and one is older or younger than the other, it shouldn't matter. What counts is the feelings that the couple have for each other.
@narthan (325)
• India
24 Mar 11
That is factor which bothers many couples. According to me it never matters in a relationship as long as the couples are happy together.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
If I am on your shoes I will go ahead with the relationship because it's better to love and lost than not to love at all. What I am trying to say here is that we should not be afraid to enter any relationship because of fear in getting hurt. If you start to care you are likely bound to be hurt anytime. We can't expect others not to change. He is younger than you but maybe what he really felt for you is real. Maybe he really loves you and would not hurt you. Why don't you give him a chance and worry later. If he can make you happy go ahead enter a relationship with him. Enjoy it for how long it last.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
24 Mar 11
My husband is 8 years older than me, obviously he is a lot more mature than me but we don't havr any problems communicating. For me, I don't mind meeting somebdy who is older than me by up to 15 years I guess but definitely not younger than me...
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Age doesn't matter in a relationship. Yes it's true that younger guys still have tendencies of having side affair,but even aged guys do same thing. Just trust him and make him feel your love. And always try to do your best so that love will keep your relationship stronger.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 11
Hi, being in love with someone younger is fine. With this society, I believe age is not a big issue for a couple to be together. The most important is they love each other and they have the chemistry. Don't bother about other's people talking about the aged gaps.that is not the main issue. Since you guys have the same thinking and like each other so much,then can start the relationship although it is a long distance relationship. AT this stage, you guys need to learn how to know each other better and then find a good time to meet up. Feeling is very hard to be described in words. It is more about actions. Although this guy is much more younger than you,if he has a mature thinking, I think it is fine. Never think negatively before you do something. If you never start a relationship,how can you know it will work well or not.
@rhadzie (68)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
maturity doesn't speak of age. there are people who think older than their age. the best thing i guess is to research on his past relationships and how did they end. is it often times because of third party due to the guy? if it is so, there is more likely that this will happen to your relationship. but there will also be a chance that it won't if he really loves you. i guess, a relationship's success doesn't always root from age difference. it will always depend upon your love for each other. it is up to you now if you will risk it or play safe.
• United States
24 Mar 11
Its not like your 18 and he is 13. You both love each other and that is what should matter. Just try to make it work and see how you both go in life.
@makenie (23)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
There is no problem about that. Loving a person doesn't require age. what's important is you love each other. There is nothing to be scared of also you love each other so you should trust each other.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
24 Mar 11
Hi dear, Welcome to myLot! From my view, except age is not a concern, you can go ahead. The minor age difference of 4 years is not a serious issue. If you can manage all other factors like, geographical, ethical, religious and family issues get resolved, this much difference in age is not an issue. For me, I have 11 years of difference with me and my partner (11 years younger to me) and we have no problem at all so far and got married 17 years before. So, if you don't have an inferiority complex and both of you love each other, why are you waiting, just go ahead and get married. All the best. Regards, Thank-s
@Sheeny (173)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
I am a girl, and if I were to choose I preferred to have a boyfriend who is 3-5 years older than me. I have a boyfriend now and we have the same age, and it makes me realized that age difference does not involve when getting inlove. And also, it is not on the age but it is on the person you've been with. Maturity does not come along with the age at all times.
• Australia
24 Mar 11
I have been married to my partner for a year now. We shared a great bond from the very day we met. He is 4 years older to me and i must say he's the best thing that has ever happened to me. He acts very mature, that is what i like about him. Sometimes, i act childish but he is always there to bring me to the right track. I think it is good to marry a guy older to you because they have that experience in life which young boys don't. I don't mean that you have to marry a older guy but there is always greater chance of your relationship being successful. God Bless!
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
AGE DOESN'T MATTER. All you need is love :)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Age doesn't matter, it is the maturity of the person that matters most. There are a lot of couple who are now separated and yet they are in their right age. It depends upon how you love, respect and trust each other. Relationships are based on feelings and understanding not in age.
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
24 Mar 11
I think 27 is just about the age where many men are ready to settle. If they aren't ready by then, they never will be. People experiment when they become old enough to drink in public. At least in the US that is age 21. So by age 27, a guy has had 6 years to get laid by random girls at the clubs/bars. 6 years is a lot of time.