the most funniest thing that happened to you..

@sammy14 (834)
March 23, 2011 8:54pm CST
What is the most embarassing moment that happened to you in the past or just recently. and how did you handle it.. I for one experienced this and I cannot help laughing whenever memories come back... I was in high school then and I was in a hurry to go to school , it was on a Friday so I was not in school uniform... I nade it on time but got the most embarassing moment in my life! The girls were giggling and also some of my classmates were.. And then some body came to whisper to me that my polo shirt was reversed, I mean I was wearing the wrong side... I blushed then and then I did not know what to do.. I just said its my style of wearing my poloshirt... hahahah.... How about you do you have any.. especially girls... hahahah... this would be a funny thing instead of writing formal or emotional things... let's be happy once in a while...
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3 responses
@adezan (36)
• Indonesia
25 Mar 11
I have many funny experience.One of them is when I wrong to call my friend.When that man who I called to see and he did not know me. I was very shame.
@sammy14 (834)
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
that would be very embarassing!!
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
One of my most unforgettable experience is during my elementary days. This always reminds me and my cousin each time we have some chat in Facebook. Me and my cousin are seatmate and we are both talkative (girls girls hehehe) So,our teacher which happens to be our grandfather has this usual headache when me and my cousin starts to have our own conversation and not listening to his class lecture. So,what our teacher did is,he tied our hair together (me and my cousin has both long hairs and done same pony tails) and,keep us that way till the end of his class We feel embarrassed but it doesn't keep us from talking (hahahaah) Me and my cousin still keep talking
@sammy14 (834)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
Well this is the first time that i heard of a story like that! it's really embarassing..
• China
24 Mar 11
A friend invited me hottly to have supper in his house ,but I had some other business to deal with.Though the business was not very urgent,I still didn't want to go with him .He said that his wife had already prepared supper for me ,and if I refused to go there ,he would think I didn't treat him as a friend.So I had to go with him .However ,when we reached his house ,we found that his wife was gone.So we stayed there waiting for his wife.When his wife returned ,he said they should make supper for me now .But his wife had met with something boring that afternoon,and was quite unhappy.They quarraled with each other ,leaving me quite embrassed there.
@sammy14 (834)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
what is embarassing there.. did his wife caught you in a very compromising act! hahah..