Do you use social netwoking sites?

@sharone74 (4837)
United States
March 26, 2011 7:02am CST
Everyone who is anyone it seems has a social networking profile, many people have multiple profiles or they list profiles on multiple social networks. If you have watch Social Network the movie you understand that while all of the content is user driven, user submitted, and until posted is the property of the owner of the content. The Social Networks make millions even billions of dollars per year. What do you get out of social networking? A)friends B)a platform to show myself off C)boredom D)I'm famous!/semi famous E)Network marketing? F) Other (what?)
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3 responses
• United States
27 Mar 11
I would say C) boredom. I was never fond of Facebook, but I was forced to join it by my middle school friends who are scattered all over the world. They are quite addicted to the site. But I go after two to three months. Even my profile over there is kind of fake. Whatever information I revealed is rather too sarcastic and has nothing to do with my life.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
28 Mar 11
If you are not going to put yourself out there and be honest you will probably get out of your social networking sites exactly what you put into them, nothing.
• United States
28 Mar 11
I am not there to look for new friends. I am there to stay connected with the old ones. And they already know me. Meanwhile, I have a boyfriend. So I am not looking to get connected with any guy there. I simply have no use for my FB. I have a life outside Internet and I am busy with it more.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
29 Mar 11
You DO use it for the purpose of stayung connected with your far-flung friends without expensive phone bills. Thus you DO get something out of it. Were it not for Facebook you ould have to find some other venue and way to keep in contact with your friends. Just because you are not looking to add to your circle of friends does not mean that you aren't getting any use out of the site.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
27 Mar 11
I joined Facebook the other week and really don't know the first thing about it .I can't see what all the fuss over it is,apart from keeping in contact with friends and family.I watched the movie last night actually and it is very interesting to see our it started and what it has become. Cheers Sue
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
28 Mar 11
I have had a facebook account for years, and I have forever failed to see what all the fuss was about. If you market things on the internet or do any type of relationship/affiliate marketing they can be quite useful because of the amount of traffic that you can generate when you use them properly.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Mar 11
I have a Facebook account and just love it to be hones with you...What do I get out of it? Staying in touch with friends and family (since they are all over the world), reconnecting with old friends and Cityville LMFAO