Needing some help.

United States
March 28, 2011 5:31am CST
I need some help because the girl that I am with right now, I want to break up with her, and I have before but I keepp crwaling back to her and I cant keep doing that. I need to say my goodbye to her. But how do I do that? What is an easy way to?
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6 responses
@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
13 Apr 16
I would sit down and talk to her honestly.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
28 Mar 11
HI cody, 1. Why do you keep crawling back to her in the first place? 2. Are you able to explain why you NEED to say your goodbye? I guess the easier question and requiring the harder answer is : 3. Do you love her? If no, why not? If yes, why leave? I think you already have the answer. Just think it through. You know if you keep breaking up and crawling back, you are hurting both her and yourself. So take the necessary time to think through. You can do that, can't you? The alternative is to keep going in a loop. I doubt you want that.
@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
Tell her what the reason is then cut all kinds of communication. That's the best way. Zero Communication.
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
Sometimes, it could be hard to hurt someone by saying goodbye but once you really decide to say good bye for good, then try to cut off your communication with her. I think there's a reason why you keep coming back to her. You have to understand what that reason is or you would end up being on the same cycle over and over again. Is it pity? or the friendship? If you're not willing to let it go and move on, then you will never be able to really move forward and break up with her the way you want it too. Distance can help as well. So if you are to break up with her, cut off the communication and go somewhere else where it would be a little difficult for the two of you to cross paths.
@wadabski (761)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
Just be transparent to what is inside your head, tell her the whole reason and what is your final decision. It will not be easy but If you are really decided about leaving her then lay it on her.
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
as the song goes "there's no easy way to break somebody's heart". i guess just be honest, straight forward but gentle and be prepared to answer lots of questions.