Why must we take everything so seriously?

United States
March 30, 2011 1:48am CST
Lately I realized I take life too seriously. When in social situations, I get annoyed really fast at someone saying something that is incorrect or just minor details, when I could just relax and take everything as a joke. So I started to not pay so much attention to the things that annoy me but just see it as funny and entertaining. It's much more fun this way. Anyone else have/had this problem?
2 responses
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I'd say it is realy admirable that you chose to relax and lighten up to the people who annoy you. After all, it is not their fault that they annoy you. I am a serious person as well, and I do realize at times that I am the problem, not them. I shouldn't be making them feel bad just because they get on my nerves - that's just egotistical. However, sometimes there are good reasons to take people seriously. The great thinkers like Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, did take it seriously when they were being discriminated against. Because they were serious about justice, they were able to help change society. If someone I see regularly is rude to me, I am not going to let it go because that will only make them think they can keep being rude. But if it is someone insignificant, like a person in a store who I will never see again, I'm not going to waste my time arguing.
• United States
31 Mar 11
Yes, I agree, when someone is rude with me I always stand up for myself, and even when they are rude to others I say something, i can't stand it. Especially when someone close to me like my husband is being rude to my sister, she doesn't really say anything because she doesn't think she'll solve anything with him, it's just the way he is, but he'll always be like that with her if she doesn't say something, I tell her all the time. Then he gets pissed off at me that i keep getting involved. I can't help but get involved.
31 Mar 11
You should always try to take advantage of those people who annoys you. What I do is just make fun of them. When they tried to annoy me, I just change the subject to something like "Did you know this guy just fail ???? something" and that person usually leaves with my friends and I laughing at him/her. Afterward, you can go back to having fun with your friends. Trolling can sometime be neccessary in real life.