Are you a Dog Lover???

United States
April 2, 2011 5:11am CST
Are you a Dog Lover??? If so why and what dog(s) do you have???
4 responses
@Outcast (632)
• United States
2 Apr 11
I love dogs. We have a cocker spaniel and an American pit bull. I love them they are great.
• United States
5 Apr 11
What are the names of your dogs???
@Outcast (632)
• United States
5 Apr 11
The cocker spaniel is named Suzie and the pit is named Chance.
@moirai (2854)
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
Yes!! =D Uhm... I don't know how to answer why, I just love dogs. =P You can call me a dog-person rather than a cat-person. =) Right now, we have 4 dogs. No particular breed (we call them askals, I think that's mongrel in english?).
• United States
5 Apr 11
you like dogs well that the answer :D
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
I have a dog, but I don't know his breed. Maybe a normal one? But he's a good guard. He's asleep at daytime but when night comes, he's awake and really awake.. Then barks every time he looks at someone suspicious. That will alert us there's someone outside. Maybe a neighbor or a visitor, or unwanted guests. He's a nice dog, but everyone's telling me he's scary. I like that part.
• Australia
3 Apr 11
I am a dog lover. I have a Cavalier x Maltese and she is the most beautiful little dog I have ever had. My grandmother has a fox terrier x.