I miss them so much!

@iDivision (1412)
April 4, 2011 3:01am CST
My wife, oldest son and her parents already 5 days are traveling across Spain. They are now in Barcelona. They have much better weather there now and they are enjoying all goods what Spain can give them in this season. So now we are two man at home - me and my 4 years old son. Its like 1/2 of our family is away, like body which is functional only by half. We doing pretty good these days - we playing much games and use possibility to be spent time together without anyone else, but there still is one problem. We miss that 1/2 of our family which is so far away from our home.
8 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
4 Apr 11
Oh, I can imagine how do you and your youngest son feel like, being separated by the rest of the family. Your wife and elder son don't have much time to think about this, as they are travelling and they have their minds occupied with lots of new things they meet. But for you it must be more difficult to stand the separation. I wonder why haven't you live all 4 together?
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
4 Apr 11
We live together, just parents of my wife wanted to surprise my oldest son by giving to him opportunity to travel with them to Spain. Then it all turned in the way that they offered my wife to travel with them too, then in the last days they offered it to me too, but i need to work and i cannot go there, also i don't have money for such entertainments like traveling across Europe. So now we waiting them back home. They will be here at the end of this week.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
Yeah, being separated with the rest of your family is really hard to bear but as you have said you still have your youngest with you at home.Just do imagine that they are happy and enjoying their vacation and maybe the next time all members will travel together.
@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
5 Apr 11
I hope so, but you know that in my country now just spring started. It is rainy, gray weather in here so that's make it worse for us who stay at home since there is not so much to do when raining. We must just sit at home and play some games or draw and that is how we spending every day now.
@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
10 Apr 11
I hope you where correct about soon weather changes since after few great, sunny days there is strong wind now (30m/s) and cold weather.
• Philippines
7 Apr 11
Yeah, staying at home and not being able to go out is really worst.On the other hand it had some advantages, you can do some things in your house which need attention aside from the fact the bonding with your child is also a plus.Hope the weather there will be better soon.happy mylotting
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Apr 11
AW, how come you had to stay home?
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
5 Apr 11
As i wrote - parents of my wife wanted to take my oldest son in this travel to Spain, but then it turned in the way that they where able to take my wife too. A week before trip they asked me too if i would want to travel with them too, but that was too late - i have work to finish here so i decided to stay.
@mkchaves (530)
• Canada
4 Apr 11
hi. i miss my entire family as i work far away from home. they're all in the philippines, while i'm working here in canada. :( it's so hard being away from them but what i'm doing is for them as well. so, hopefully, soon, i'll be seeing them.
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
5 Apr 11
I think it is easier to accept when you are split because of work not by just traveling around like in my case. A month ago my wife was in Dominican republic where she traveled from her work. She is employed in tourism sphere so that's pretty normal that sometimes she must travel to see product what she selling to people here. Then the rest of use stayed at home. And now she is gone again, but took one of our children with her in trip to Spain.
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
4 Apr 11
You sounded like my husband. . For most of his time, he is working at home but now, he was assigned to work from from home for at least 4 days every week. The first three days he spent away from us, he texted me that he was having difficulties adjusting to the new set up. He is so used to being with us that when this change , he misses us, especially the kids so much. So, on the third night, he drove home. I guess, it is part of our nature to be a little clingy to the people we love so much. It is normal. Don't worry, your situation isn't like that forever. Your family will be back soon, that's for sure. Don't count the days till they're home with you again. Make yourself busy with your son and you'll e surprise to see your wife and son at our door step without your having to noticed it.
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
5 Apr 11
It is hard to not to count those days which is left until they will be back at home, but i am doing my best and have fun with my youngest son.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
hi, being far with your family or half of them really make us to missed them so much,actually my family is like that,because my parents not live with us and my brother and sister already had family and they are separated with us,my younger sister only with me,and just both of us who live in one house,i missed my family especially my parents.
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
10 Apr 11
Everything is back to normal again - they returned safe and now we all enjoying bad and good parts of spring in my country :D
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 11
I understand that you are missing the members of your family. It is excellent that they are having sunny weather whilst they are in Barcelona. I hope that your wife, oldest son and your wife's parents are having a wonderful time over there in Spain. You and your 4 year old son can enjoy playing lots more games until they come back home.
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
4 Apr 11
Definitely - i am spending much more time with my youngest son now and it is great experience for both of us because we both are responsible for everything in house and for each other of course!
• Philippines
4 Apr 11
When you've lived with people, not necessarily your family, for almost all your life you start to treat them as a part of you. I've felt the same way the first time I went away to study here at the city. It's like I'm always looking for reasons to go back home to see my family.
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
4 Apr 11
Yes, Family is something special and good feelings to those who we love make us so human.