My Gentleman Tom Cat

United States
April 10, 2011 11:15am CST
who has made friends through his blog, decided to train the humans in his house. When snow was on the ground, I thought perhaps if I threw him into a small bank of snow on the deck, he might be dissuaded from curling up on my dining room table. It worked - until the snow melted. At that point, the Gentleman studied the situation for a few hours and came up with a training method for me! If he wants to go outside, he leaps onto the table. Of course, I immediately put him outdoors. I swear he actually chuckles and winks at me as he takes off for his morning or afternoon adventure. What has your pet done to train you to their wishes?
1 response
• United States
12 Apr 11
my cat is not using a cat litter.. I have a cat name charlotte. I didnt train her since she was just a kitten, she doesnt use a cat litter to pee or poop...but rather she would use our bathroom and from there she would search for the drainage hole where she would poop or pee.Whenever our bathroom is closed and she wanted to pee or poop.She would keep on meowing in front of the bathroom door.The funny thing is if no one opens the door for her esp if all of us we're sleeping she would jump on our bed and will meow right beside our ears until she wake us up and open the bathroom door for her. The same when she wants to go out. Since our door doesnt have a esp door for her, she would do the same thing meowing in front of the door until someone opens it for her. And when she goes back from wandering outside.She would meow again infront of our door informing us that she came back and would want the door to open for her to get inside the house. Our neighbors knew her because of her esp attitude and well trained manner when it comes to that. She already have 3 kittens now, and one of the kitten got her bathroom attitude from her mom.
• United States
12 Apr 11
Great cat! Love that she tried to save everyone the hassles of a litter box. Give her a big hug from me and my Gentleman Tom Cat.
• United States
12 Apr 11
sure..she would love that..she's a very charming cat and loves to snaggle with us..