Nigerian scam emails two of them in one day

United States
April 11, 2011 8:29pm CST
The Nigerian scam emails are getting bad. I had two of them in one day. One claimed that I was the sole heir to a person who died in a plane crash and it even had the link to a story about it. It claimed that I would inherit one million dollars and that I was to contact this person with my name, address,email address and phone number. The other one claimed that my name was found in the database of a Nigerian scam artist and as a result, the FBI and CIA were working with the people who were in the database and they would be compensated one million dollars. Others please beware- never respond to these emails or give any personal details. These people can use this information to steal your identity. I even had a check for three thousand dollars come by FedEx last year. I took it to my bank and told them I felt it was fraudulent and they determined it was. The FBI came and got it and called and asked me a few questions. If you do get a fraudulent check either take it to your bank and tell them you think it is fraudulent and they will turn it over to the FBI or shred it.
2 responses
• United States
17 Apr 11
So true my friend and we have to be one step ahead of all scammers because they are getting much more lucrative these days. So forewarning and making public of such scams is a good idea so that more and more people can be on the alert and do all we can to try and get them to stop one day, we can only hope but unfortunately as long as one of of 10 fall for it they continue to rise. Thanks for the information, awareness is always good.
@dlemza (47)
• South Africa
12 Apr 11
Others come up with the story that they in some refudee camp in northen Africa, and nned to transefer money inheruted from their fathers so they can escape to South Africa. I was save by asking for a certified copy of the ID before I could send four hundred dollars for her flight. The weakest link shuttered and my money was saved. Scary thought indeed.