Have you met this situation? You typed a lot and then it is failed to submit !

April 17, 2011 2:06am CST
It often happens on me. i dont know why. and it really took me some time to type a discussion or response. and then i clicked to submit my post, it failed. so i have to try again. it have happend many time for me. beacuse my ranking is less than 500, i am not supposed to paste. so i have to type these words again. it makes me feel upset. last time i want to start a discussion and share my ideas with friends. and it happend again. after i tried two to three times, i gave up. i felt dispointing. have you met this situation?
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31 responses
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
yeah, it happened to me too...and I was actually posting a discussion, but I guess it's just my net connection going haywire again...just try and try and try again, though now that I've reached 500 I copy all the things I type before hitting the post button, if anything goes wrong I can just paste it back again
• China
18 Apr 11
my friend, at first i though it was my net connection problem. but since many mylotters from all over the world have this problem, i think it may not be our net connection problem. how could that possible that all of us have net connection problem? i think since it brother many users, could admin here do something to improve their net service ?
@chinchoy (191)
• Hong Kong
17 Apr 11
If I have typed in a long response, I would try to switch to any tab in the browser and access myLot in it. It it works fine, then I quickly hit submit. I have been in the same situation too. There is nothing you can do but retype the whole thing as long as you are still under 500. The only thing to do is to step it up and get to 500 fast so as to put this behind and use the cut and paste thing. In the mean time, I still make a copy before I submit if it is a long post. At least I don't have to go through the thought process again. And if you don't mind, you can make small copy/paste, 6 to 7 words at a time which still saves some typing.
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• China
18 Apr 11
hey chinchoy. what do you mean make small copy/ paste, 6 to 7 words at a time which still save some typing? i did not understand you. and you said" try to switch to any tab iin the browser and access mylot in it,it works fine", what do you mean? how to do that? does that work on this problem? could you explain more to me?
@singuri (571)
• India
17 Apr 11
yes i do face many situations like this its irritate person a lot. It also has benefit to test our patience a proverb is there try and try until you reach the goal like that only we bust be trying or in between if you get disappointed wait for a wile go out relax for some time and do it again finally we can get it right?
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• Philippines
17 Apr 11
This has happened to me last week. I have composed a long comment on one of the discussions in here. It was about 3 paragraphs long and upon hitting the post response tab, it appeared the message that it failed and to make sure that the text contains only the characters that are allowed. I had everything checked and just like you, i can't cut and paste. I have tried retyping the comment 3x and it yielded me the same results. I tried to come up with a discussion regarding this problem, when i was about to submit, again, i was greeted by the same message of the submission failure. It was sort of frustrating but what can i do? I did checked when the last new discussion was posted and it appeared that it has been submitted hours ago, meaning many people had the same problem as I did. So I just waited for a few hours then checked whether there were new discussion or responses posted. I assumed that the technical problems in the site were already fixed. It was only then that i resumed posting.
• China
17 Apr 11
oh my friend, sorry for replying so late. but it is the forth times that i type in this comment now.
• China
17 Apr 11
i saw your response when you post it about one hour ago and i tried to add a comment from that time. it all failed . so please let me check first if it is ok now.
• China
17 Apr 11
hey, i am very glad to read your guys responses . now i know this problem happens, not just on me. do not take me wrong, but i do feel a little better now. you said it happened to you when you have composed a long comment last week. you know what, it happens all the time to me. i think it may be the 8 times that i tried to comment back to you in this response.
17 Apr 11
It's normally for me , some people like me not good English ,waste a lot of time to write something ,but when you finished your job times out ,how do you know that --- you must login to submit this information --- after submit ! ::::( .
• China
17 Apr 11
is that ok now?
• China
17 Apr 11
oh,seems it is ok now. i have to type some simple words first for "testing". it is the second time i type in this comment. it failed at the first time.
• China
17 Apr 11
yes, me too. my english is not good. so i need some time to type my comment. i dont know what is the exactly reason that we cannot submit sucessfully , maybe beacuse we waste too much time and it times out . what can we do to that?
@honevg (5)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
omg! i encountered such problem.. i just had it awhile ago..this is my second try..i hope it will work this time.. its quite frustrating and disappointing,i have to retyped over and over again.. i think this is not due to the internet connection because its fast when i open other websites.. i just hope this can be solved..someone who has the solution pls share..
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Yeah. This happened to me. It almost always does every so often that i post here in.lot. So what i do is to copy the answer i have before i hit the send button. It always saves of time, and effort.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Oh, sorry about that! Maybe you can the in notepad paste in mylot and then if the system problem persists them you still have not lost your post because you have a backup in your notepad.
• China
18 Apr 11
hey,chiyosan. actually i do not need to use notepad. even i lost my lost, i still remerber what i typed. the problem is that i have to type all these words again. and sometimes i have to type many times in one comment beacuse of this problem. it wastes me much time and makes me feel upset.
• China
17 Apr 11
your ranking is high so you can copy and paste. but my ranking is far from 500. so i have to type again. it is really boring. i think maybe mylot is a website in USA, so the internet speed is good for American people and not that good for people from other country. well since there are many mylotters from other country, i hope mylot admin could improve their internet service.
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
18 Apr 11
hongqistreet, Unfortunately, you are not alone on this and like you I had this experience for the first time here, last week. I believe this is one of the many glitches at myLot's admin end which resulted in these unsuccessful postings. As you are unable to copy and paste your posts, I suggest that you do it with your word processor and save the drafts there to avoid any loss of data for your posts and/or to re-hatch your post(s) again. At least, you can afford to take a break and come back to it when the system resumes to normal. Have a break and a nice day.
• China
19 Apr 11
hey,skysuccess. i think it is not a small glitch since it happens on so many mylotters in a long time. i think this problem is big enough to get admins attention.beacuse it really bothers many mylotters here especially newbies. i hope we could find a way to solve this problem and make mylot better.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
18 Apr 11
This always frustrates me. I would have something all typed up and sumbit it and then the computer freezes, or it doesn't go through or something. Then I have to sit there and type it all over again, and I hate when I forget something that I wanted to say.
• China
18 Apr 11
hehe,tbl0822. i hate to type again and again too. now you are allowed to copy and paste, i think this problem will not bother you anymore.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I know how you feel,i also had same problem when i was a newbie here. it's really disappointing when we need to retype all the words again and again and it failed when we submit. But i hope this won't stop you for mylotting. This is not happening everyday. And try to make the most when the network is fine. you will soon realized that you've reached 500 and you can do the copy paste so that you will not have the same inconvenience once you failed to submit a response or topic. Enjoy mylot and have fun
• China
6 Jul 11
I think it is not fair for us new mylotters that we can use "copy and paste" until our rank is more than 500. beacuse as the slow internet speed , we have to type our posts again and again and it is hard for us to get 500 rank in this situation.
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
hi jaiho.. why do we have to wait "500" just to be able to "copy-paste"? is there any copyright law issues here..? =D thanks, God bless..
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
7 Jul 11
Oh yeah, many times. It didn't fail actually, it is like time is up for my share time or something like that. When I tried to post again, it simply log me out of it. Then I have to log in again. Other time, the system just fail to post my discussion. It was like server error something like that.
• China
8 Jul 11
i think that beacause you spend too much time on typing your comment. if you type faster, it would be better. but some times when the internet speed is not good, it will happen even if you tyope your post in a short time.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
17 Apr 11
Yes friend when my ranking not was 500 I am also faced this problem various time due to my net connection and i was also disappointed some time. So the best idea is before submitting you check your net connection.
• China
17 Apr 11
sometimes i think maybe i can post a simple sentence first just for "testing", if it is ok then i post my comment.
• India
17 Apr 11
Friend some time you will get some message in red color above your submission like unable to submit or your contents is muture so check it and wait some more mylotter experience people will give you response on this.
• China
17 Apr 11
haha, surekharathi, everytime i failed to submit i got a red color message said "unable to submit, please try again". so i tried again and failed again. for some time, i would wait and post later. but mostly, it made me lost my interest.
• China
19 Apr 11
god,i often encounter this situation!it also makes me feel upset.When the first few times,i just write the words on my site. Then with some experience,maybe we could make a backup to the words when wrote a lot of words or browsed other pages.HaHa,can not be lazy~
• China
19 Apr 11
hehe, i think it may be a way that make us newbies not be lazy in mylot. we need to type many times in order to post a comment. look on the bright side, it is a good way to pratising typing.
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
damn..this is my third time typing this response..obviously, i am experiencing your discussion right now.. i'm starting to hate "broadband"! hope we could switch to DSL.. =D
• China
18 Apr 11
hey,friend, it happens all the time. and something weird happened. i think after i start this discussion talking about "submit problem", this problem happened more on me. it is weird. so did this problem get angry beacuse we talk about him so he decide to punish us more times?
• China
19 Apr 11
i found that the net connection is better in the daytime than at night. maybe there are more people here at night. so i think we could login in mylot and post discussions in the day time.
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
hehe..sounds a bit creepy! if that's the case, then mylot should kill him asap..'coz it really annoys mylotters! =P
@singuri (571)
• India
17 Apr 11
What is ranking 500? I don't understand that. Many times it happened to me. I don't have proper net connection and the message I typed failed to submit. But sometimes If I press the back button in the browser the message will remain on the screen. O don't know how. First we should have a good internet connection in order message the post successfully. Typing words is a big headache?
• China
18 Apr 11
typing words is not a big deal, but typing again and again in one commment is a big problem. and you are not sure which time you can submit successfully. when i press the back button in the browser, my post still lost. it does not work for me. ranking is the number next to your username. your ranking is 319. good for you, it is close to 500.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
17 Apr 11
...Hi hongqistreet, Welcome to the ranch, enjoy yourself. That happened to me yesterday. After I put all the points in that I wanted to make, corrected all spelling errors and then hit the button, the comment disappeared. I have no idea why it happened, if it was my computer or some other type of failure in the system. There was nothing in the comment that was against any rule that I saw. So I was quite ticked at having to retype the whole thing all over again, but I did. I guess you just have to say stuff happens, but insert another word instead of stuff. "o) Take good care.
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
Yes I know how you feel as I have experienced that so many times.And yes I can somehow fix it now for having a plus 500 postings already. Sometimes it's got to do with internet, or the browser or cache or sometimes when Mylot server is having some problems too.So you must be patient while you haven't reached yet that limit where you can have the copy paste advantage. Just so you know, everybody have been like you at some point in their mylot life. good luck...(^_^)
• China
18 Apr 11
hey,lipstick2009, i think you net may have some problems too beacuse your response have been submitted twice, hehe. how long have you been there? how much time do you need to reach the limit 500? i think it is too hard for me to reach 500. it may take me one to two years or more.i am not sure if i can insist that long time since i alway have to type again and again.
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
8 Jul 11
It's really annoying!! I've also suffered from that in the past, and even now it happens from time to time. As far as I know, it's mostly due to a failure in the site itself and in the communication with you more than anything else, so I doubt we can do anything to prevent it from happening 100% of times. After having lost a couple of nice posts in many forums, I took the habit of copying everything before submitting, just to have the chance to paste thereafter if something goes wrong. Also I've found that a keylogger may help me so I've found and installed one, and when I even forgot to copy-paste, the log saves my day
@mallu30 (461)
• India
17 Apr 11
I am also faced this problem several times. since my ranking under 500 I am not supposed to paste. I typed a long discussion. while pressing the submit button the problem arised. another time electricity went off. I am disappointed. However, I started again.
• China
18 Apr 11
hey mallu30. i am disappointed too. you know sometime you have an interesting idea or topic that you want to share with other mylotters, but after typing again and again, you may lose your heart. so now i do not compose too long comments, i split that into two to three comments.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
8 Jul 11
I already passed for this situation many times here in myLot. It's pretty bad, because you have to type everything again. One time is ok, but when happens more than once, I get really mad and usually I give up to, at least for that day. Usually, I refresh the page and it works.