Do men fear the doctor?

Why men fear the doctor? - Some Men just think the doctor is not necessary unless we are really sick. It would be interesting to know why. Is it ego?
@cgrant (270)
Spanish Town, Jamaica
April 19, 2011 8:31am CST
The more i grow older am beginning to realize that men really do not like visiting the doctor. I visit the doctor like two times per year which is bad. The only reason i went was because i was really sick. My dad however is worst, he has not gone to the doctor in like two years. Do men really fear the doctor of do we get sick less than women? Don't we need checkups? What is the reason for this?
5 responses
• Ireland
19 Apr 11
Personally I'm not afraid of the doctor but I will hesitate to go because I don't want to waste their time. I only go to the doctor when I'm really sick, in a lot of pain or have received an appointment from them. If more people had an attitude like mine then health services would not be as stretched as they are and the really sick people would get better and faster treatment. I realise this is a gross over simplification but I still feel my point holds merit.
@cgrant (270)
• Spanish Town, Jamaica
19 Apr 11
i understand what you are saying but sometime do not get really sick at the same time. you get sick then it worsen. If a person should wait until they are really sick then their condition might get wort and possibly life threatening. The health service is here to serve the people. the faults of the health service should not be placed on society. I don't agree with you but that's you opinion and we are all entitled to one.
@elaidha (95)
• Philippines
19 Apr 11
My dad is afraid too to go to the doctor. He said he is afraid that the doctor might find more serious health problem.
@cgrant (270)
• Spanish Town, Jamaica
19 Apr 11
i think that's what men fear the most. they fear what doctors may say or what they may be diagnosed with. My dad thinks going to the doctor is a waste of time. He says he can go to the pharmacy and get some medicine if he feels sick.
• United States
19 Apr 11
i dont think we fear them i just thin that we dont like them that much who we really fear "or mostly i "is the dentist i really hate them " no offense"
@cgrant (270)
• Spanish Town, Jamaica
19 Apr 11
i only visit the dentist once a year because it is very uncomfortable having someone in my mouth for so long. Too many pills when i visit the doctor so its like a waste of time for me. i dont think i could do medicine its just not my think.
• Philippines
19 Apr 11
I was working in a tertiary hospital, i was once assigned in Emergency room, i often meet men who are really scared to doctors and even to us nurses at their age. most of them have a very low pain threshold. every time we start intravenous fluids their really scared to needles....if only they have the guts to run and cry for help....they will do it..
@cgrant (270)
• Spanish Town, Jamaica
19 Apr 11
lol......I certainly know what you are talking about. Some men would never even go to the blood bank and give a little blood. i don't like the needle but i am willing to go through the process especially if its a worthy cause. Its a good thing men are not the one that bear the responsibility of carrying a
@mallu30 (461)
• India
19 Apr 11
Yes, some people fear of going to doctors when they sick. It is due to they are aware of bad treatment of a few doctors and injections like intravenos.