Practice what you preach!

May 1, 2011 9:30am CST
I went to church earlier today, the priest's homily was about "Love your neighbor as you love your self." So there he goes discussing about how we should treat other people well regardless of religion, attitude, background, status, and what have you. So there I was listening in agreement that there's no better way to have a peaceful and meaningful life than to be good to everyone and to be selfless as Christ was. I was admiring how good the priest was in delivering his homily and how selfless he could be until he said, "For us to deserve heaven we should love our neighbors, friends and foes alike, as we love ourselves...But never mind those other religions, they don't deserve even the slightest affection on earth, even in heaven." Right then and there I stormed out of the church. I was so angry at the priest's hypocrisy. I mean, how dare he speak those words. Such an embarrassment to the Roman Catholics to have that priest.
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