What is your workout choice right now??....

United States
May 3, 2011 9:39am CST
I have several workout dvds that I enjoy doing...mostly along the dance routine type workouts which are basically cardio workouts. Those get me motivated and keep me doing them but I need more of a challenge now. I have mostly Beachbody.com workouts, like Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T, P90X with Tony Horton, Insanity with Shaun T, and I recently picked up a few Turbo Jam workout dvds with Chalene Johnson. I really really want to get Turbo Fire by Chalene Johnson...I watch the infomercial every chance I get and I even go online to watch it as well....but I cant afford it right now unfortunately. so I just try to fit in my other dvds for now. With summer coming... well hopefully here in the Midwest it hasn't even been much of a spring yet and it is already May.... but I want to be back in my summer clothes when the time comes since I had a baby 6 months ago. so what are you doing for a workout routine right now? Is there any out there that you want and can't get right now?
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6 responses
@Guit08 (597)
• United States
8 Jun 11
My favorite workout to do right now is to just go on a long and fast bike ride around my town. It helps me to build up both strength and endurance, plus it's fun to get to see the sights! :) I also enjoy tallying up the miles to see how far I've gone so that I can track my progress as well.
• United States
1 Jul 11
I am not much of a bike rider myself, but my parents will ride there bikes all over from spring to fall, as long as it isnt snowing they really love bike riding. I may have to give it a try again and see if I can feel more comfortable on a bike. thanks for responding and happy mylotting.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
31 May 11
Hello! I enjoy to do workout dvd's too! My favorite is Zumba. I saw you like the dance type workout. So, if you haven't do it yet I recommend you to do try it. I really love it. The rhythms are very catchy. Go to you tube. there are a lot of Zumba routines. If you like it, then buy the workout program.
• United States
1 Jul 11
actually I do have the Zumba dvds and I did them for a few months last year and now my mom is hooked on them and has my set of zumba tapes, I also have hip hop abs and insanity, and my husband recently got me Turbo fire. with 3 kids, it is finding the time to fit it in right now, but I do workout about 2-3 times a week right now, I will start to fit it in more though because I really enjoy working out and I just feel better when I do. thanks for the response and have a great day!! Happy Mylotting.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
3 May 11
I am getting to the point where I can't do workouts! My knees are bad somedays worse then others...but I am walking when I can! Walk...walk..walk...so that's what I do. A long time ago I had the Jane Fonda workout....and that was a long time ago!
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• United States
4 May 11
Hi jillhill, they still say one of the best workouts is walking, if that is all you can do then keep it up. I had an aunt who added walking to her routine for 1 yr and lost 45 lbs just by doing that and she didnt even change her eating habits just added the walking so I know it is a good thing. now that summer is approaching and we wont have to be trapped inside as much I will be taking my kids for a walk everyday and adding that to my routine. thanks for responding and have a great day!!
• Philippines
21 May 11
I'm notice that i gain weight this past few months that is why I decide to start to workout. First I start using workout video and jog every morning.I've been doing those routine for about two weeks and I'm shock because i lost few pounds.
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• United States
1 Jul 11
good for you!! Its amazing when we start to do good things for ourselves and then see the rewards fast. keep up the good work, you will feel a whole lot better the more you do!! Happy mylotting.
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
4 May 11
i just use the treadmill and walk 2 miles about 3 times a week....or go for a walk outside. I am impressed by your motivation. Good for you.
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• United States
1 Jul 11
I try to keep motivated, I have several large people in my family and a few of them have got diabetes in the last 5-10 yrs and I am concerned about health issues and staying healthy for my children and teach them about choosing healthier things. I love to take my kids for a walk...only my daughter has a very slow pace so its not really a workout, but at least we get out. Have a great day and happy mylotting.
• Philippines
8 May 11
Wow! You've got a load of workout videos you got. I used to do Hip hop abs and got tired of it. Anyway, I think what we really need is some variation. I have with me some Pilates workout videos (Pilates for Dummies), Pump it Up Dance work out, Basic Yoga, other hip hop abs videos and another workout routine by one of our local celebrities. I haven't tried the others particularly yoga and Pilates but the other dance videos are quite good. Unfortunately, I can do these during the weekend whenever I'm free, that is if I'm free on a weekend. My only exercise during weekdays is a 30 minute walk from work to home. Hopefully, when I can get my schedules fixed, I would do a bit of jogging like I used to do with my jogging buddy who decided to move back home. Last month, I tried badminton with another friend and sprained my foot, so it's been a month now since I started doing real workouts during my free time.
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• United States
1 Jul 11
at least you try to fit things in and try new things, that is what is important. I know how hard it is to find the time to fit in workouts, that seems to be my issue right now but I do it when I can and watch my calories and I have lost some more weight since I posted this.... maybe 3 or 4 lbs but I think any lose of weight is good. keep trying new things and good luck getting back to jogging. have a great day and happy mylotting.