Talking to players on field by commentators.

@hanuma34 (819)
May 9, 2011 8:13pm CST
Commentators are talking to fielders and even the wicketkeepers while the play is going on through wireless communication facility. I think it is highly objectionable and the practice disturbs the concentration of the players. As it is IPL cricket is more commercial and more of a show. The talking while the play is going on reduces it to a farce. I would like to know the reactions of other cricket lovers in this matter.
1 response
@uttarayan (327)
• India
10 May 11
u r enhances the trp of channel.but,destroys the concentration of players around microphone.i want a moment when-a player misses a catch talking in microphone.that day they will bann this worthless propaganda.
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
14 May 11
Thanks for concurring with my thoughts.
• India
15 May 11
you are most welcome my friend.u know-this is an essential topic.i myself though about to start a discussion in this.because it was really a bad news for genuine cricket.