What is the most effective way to study or learn?

May 10, 2011 11:58pm CST
I have tried studying in the advertisement breaks during my favourite TV shows as this keeps me motivated and it doesn't feel like I'm doing it for an unbelievably long time. But I think there are some better methods. What are yours, if you have any?
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20 responses
@dhysanne (449)
• Philippines
13 May 11
When I was a student, I used to study first before watching TV or play with friends. I have learned from a friend it is better to watch TV first before studying. Just make sure to set the right time for studying. Chocolates can help while studying. Reading aloud is also good.
@oninomar (505)
• Philippines
12 May 11
the best way to study is to have an enough sleep and must focus of what you studying... Never do multi-tasking when you study , focus only to your study... And also the most important is that you really have interest with your lessons..
• China
12 May 11
Do not trouble yourself with this problem. Pick up your book before the TV shows start. Stay in a room that has no TV in it. When you are immersed in your book, the TV shows will be less attractive to you.
• Philippines
12 May 11
I feed my brain by reading books, through on-line, magazine or even newspaper. I read a lot and somehow use it as a tool for my self improvement. I also share it to other people.
• Philippines
12 May 11
I usually want to study in a silent place, good ambiance, and of course eating at the same time. It is very effective since I could be able to murmur whenever I have to read or familiarize everything. Eating something sweet like chocolates, or sometimes chips. Best way to learned!
• Philippines
12 May 11
I do believe that the most effective way to study or learn is to manage your time properly. I do believe that a person can't learn what he/she is studying if he is doing it the whole time. You need to have a balance of recreational activities and learning/studying. Another thing that helps you in studying/learning is motivation. For years, my parents would treat us out if we would get into honor roll. So, it would be an effective way for me to study or learn things.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
11 May 11
it all depends on your learning style. i think we all have our different way to learn and study and keep them in our minds faster. some are more graphical, some are more into textual. when you are very aware of this, then you would be able to use this style that fits you and you will learn faster and retain the information in your mind. =)
• United States
11 May 11
You should study at the library or join a study group. If you don't create the right study environment, you will not be able to concentrate.
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
11 May 11
Just put it in your mind that you are studying in order for you to learn and use that in real life situation. You are not studying because you just want the grades.
@aliki123 (122)
• Greece
11 May 11
I would say that the things that works for me is finding and writing the main and most important parts in a subject that helps a lot.Sometimes you do not have time though so I would suggest to try and read it as many times as you can.I think that in order to completely memorize something you must read it at least 7 times.
11 May 11
well,when you are study ,you should focus yourself 100%.you should learn in a very quilt environment except some light music.i'd like to stay in the library or a quilt classroom,i think the phenomenon of study cold influence you a lot.
11 May 11
well,when you are study ,you should focus yourself 100%.you should learn in a very quilt environment except some light music.i'd like to stay in the library or a quilt classroom,i think the phenomenon of study cold influence you a lot.
11 May 11
As an ex-teacher, I would say study in the way you find the best to retain everything you have read, heard or seen, but make sure you take regular breaks to give your eyes and ears a rest. Nobody can function with an overloaded brain! Learn from as many sources and people that you can, and enjoy the journey!
• United States
12 May 11
Hey there. I believe the best approach for studying is unique to each individual. Personally, repetition has always worked best for me. For examaple, if I have a chapter to read and a quiz to take (or something along those lines), I normally read the chapter and highlight along the way. I then go back and read the highlights. Then take a little break, re-read the highlights and maybe go to bed. Re-read the highlights again in the morning. That is just an example. Another method I have recently started to introduce into my studying is to REALLY read the material. Use any study material your professor may provide and try to REALLY understand it and REALLY relate it to your life and your existing knowledge-base. A quicker way to simply remember materials is by little reminders through letters, numbers, etc.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
11 May 11
I study in silence. Dull but true. I read in silence, it is all the studying I do, read and write what interests me. I like to set my breathing pattern and posture to a semblance of meditation when I am reading, and try my best to relax. Learning happens best, when your mind is in a less active state. I am gonna go look up the terms, the Theta state. Is when we learn best. http://www.toolsforwellness.com/brainstates.html, that may help you to be more aware of what can help you. Cheers.
• Philippines
11 May 11
Which ever works for you is fine. There are just people whose focus on studying is solid while watching tv or listening to music. They say that one should not study while watching tv. Its advantage though is that when exam comes and you're seated inside a room located near a busy street, you're not easily distracted as you're already used to all kinds of noise due to exposure from studying infront of a television. So if you study while watching tv and yet you end up excelling in class or gets high marks and grades, then that study method is right for you.
@naija4real (1291)
11 May 11
I think the best way to study is for a student to buy all the recommended textbooks and learning material. Be punctual and regular at classes or during lectures. Take down or jot down every lessons that is taught by the teacher Ask the teacher questions on areas that you do not understand Share academic discussion with your fellow classmates Go to bed early and wake up very early such as 3.00am Read your book from 3.00am in the early morning to day break time of 7.00am Cultivate the abilities of attending to all the homework given to you by your school teacher. Avoid cheating during examination Believe in God and always pray for God to help you and bless you Best of luck, cheers
@tammy27 (1241)
• Philippines
11 May 11
hhhmmmm..... i dont really study, hahaha if it's with school stuff, then i just see to it that i listen well at school, and take down some notes. often i study at school with my friends few minutes before our exams, but if it's an ordinary school day then i dont study much. hehe
• Philippines
11 May 11
i usually study during dawn or red eye... its quiet and im more focused during those times... and i listen to mellow music and instrumental music this helps me too... i read my lessons over and over like 3-4 times... try it maybe it'll help you..=)
@uttarayan (327)
• India
11 May 11
well,friend.it will be better if you try to study in a fixed time and not between any tv progrrame. you can play a simple instrumental music in your room.it gives you concentration.helped me a lot. and you have to write while you.whatever you read write it down in your language instantly.it is the best method to remember.