Does Movies make you Cry? Why? When you know it is not true but your still cry?

United States
May 12, 2011 10:02pm CST
Even you know when you are watching a movie your emotions are touched by the director of the movie. So what do you think? Is it worth flowing into artificial emotions and express them? Do you feel comfortable while beeing watched when you are crying while watching the movie?
4 responses
@oxash222 (27)
• Philippines
14 May 11
i dont feel uneasy if i am being watched while crying...we usually watch movies for entertainment or sometimes to divert our mind on things we wish to forget. sometimes watching a movie can also serve as an outlet to our inner emotions. for me, being in touch w/ everything around you is not unworthy of any reaction because by doing this it only shows that we are alive and are still able to react to every stimuli that comes...
• United States
16 May 11
Yeah... agree sometimes letting the emotions out is also a kinda stress buster and relaxing... one should sometimes do so.
• United States
19 May 11
I've gotten used to myself being that way and don't care if others see me cry, but sometimes, my son's like,"Mom, are you crying?" Then I feel kind of stupid.
• United States
13 May 11
Oh goodness! Yes. I sure do. I don;t know why? I look at moveis and tv shows as a brief escape from reality - like a little refresher. I think you just get to know the characters and feel like you are right there experiencing it with them, like as a friend. Also, I do believe myself to be more attached to movies that I can related to more on a personal level. Gosh, i was watching 16 and Pregnant on MTV (Yes, I know, terrible example of reality tv that no one should watch, but I do). And I was crying as the girl delivered her baby...just because I can relate to the emotions of the situation. But, then again, I am a littl eoverly-sensitinve and emotional - even for a girl.
• United States
16 May 11
Yeah.... you are right... many people like to put them into that imaginary world and enjoy to ride along with the emotions.... nothing wrong to do so and be part of that.
• India
20 May 11
Yes, I do cry watching movies. Most of the times i cry watching true stories. The last i remember is Hachiko: A dog Story. And i cry when i watch the movie alone. it is embarrassing someone watching you cry :).Controlling your emotions will make you even weaker mentally. The day it bursts out, it will be difficult for people around to handle. So let the tears flow at time. Its good for your eyes. Happy Mylotting :)
@jleigh13 (34)
• United States
19 May 11
I cry at movies all the time. My latest tear-jerker: Tangled. I cried like a baby because it was such a happy ending. I felt ridiculous too, but that's just me. I'm a crier. Sometimes, it's worse than others; it just depends on my mood, I guess. I have even teared up over commercials. I have always been an emotional person, but after my kids were born, it got so much worse. I try to control it, but sometimes, it just comes out. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)