Do you feel that everyone is against you?

@masang (295)
May 13, 2011 6:56am CST
There were times in my life that I became paranoid. I felt that everyone was against me. But I found out it was only a feeling. It was only a product of my weird mind. Have you felt the same?
4 responses
• Philippines
15 May 11
Ironically, I found myself feeling that way in this exact moment. Aside of the hurt I felt involving my response on a topic where I felt my emotions get a little loose, I felt that somehow my response triggered a misunderstanding of my opinion and frankly, I am feeling that I need a good cry. Yes, perhaps I was paranoid but I really can't help the feeling. I know that the other responders had the restraint and the good sense to point my 'wrongdoing' but I felt that I was actually on the corner of being physically attack. But perhaps, like what you said, this feeling will pass and everything will back to normal. I really hope so.
@nitty66 (207)
• Singapore
13 May 11
Against you ?? Sometimes it's not paranoid. It's real and facts in my life. For example, if you are well off people around you try to be jealous and try to be rebelious with your words or views to suppress you down. Or they will just keep away from you, thinking you are better off then her. They don't like to share your success ! That's the real world. Just my experience. Option for new friends !
@allknowing (130898)
• India
13 May 11
Everyone goes through this phase be it in the family or in the office but it is not the mind. I don't agree with you there. It happens when others smell success around that person.
@murkie (1103)
• Philippines
13 May 11
yes, i feel like this sometimes. and there was even a period in my life when this feeling is very prevalent. that was in mid- to late teens. i don't know, maybe because of the general feeling of rebellion, which is typical for that stage. that's why one would think that the world is ganging up on him/her. you could even feel paranoid being paranoid, lol.