I'm drowning....

United States
May 16, 2011 9:00pm CST
I am about to become a virtual mute. Are people becoming more crazy by the day?? I don't think I'm the smartest guy... but, I'm looking for people who have a modicum of intelligence and/or ambition. i'm finding that I have no one to talk to. Does anyone care about the planet, our society, or any deeper subject matter??
5 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jun 11
part of what your seeing may be people are overwhelmed by the scope and seriousness of the problems we are facing.
• United States
26 Jun 11
I thinki this is really, really true. But, there's strength in numbers ... and those numbers should care a lil bit about you; don't you think?! As much as I'd like to think so... I don't solve ever one of my problems alone; and though I wish it were true, I don't live on an island. I am finding that many people are so caught up in the trends of the times... they're def. losing themselves more and mmore and more. I've even started blogging about it more: www.squidoo.com/support-your-local-superheroes We might be missing part of the point. Also, (pubbing) checkout my new website: www.philanthropytreehouse.yolasite.com Trying new things... and finding new ways to connect with everyone. Thanks for sharing!!
• China
18 May 11
Maybe you just feel you have no one to talk to in real life,but on the internet you can surely find a lot of friends who think like you,share similar value,etc.Good lock!
• United States
26 Jun 11
Sure... But, sometimes seeing people in real life is needed and/or better. I love all forms of communicating on the internet - but I don't feel it's all consuming. People are losing their emotions or something. IDK
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
17 May 11
i do
• United States
17 May 11
Cool... it's a good thing right?? I realize I'm a lil diff from others at times - but, i don't want to live in a world of thoughtless, unthinking zombies. That's the way it feels right now. For example: Since i wrote the initial mylot post - I'm at a cafe (outside)... and i get up to get some water inside and hold a door for two people (a guy and a girl) who proceed to walk thru and didn't even say thank you. The sad part is that it's normal for this poor city. Don't we say stuff like "Thank you" anymore... or is that not cool anymore?
• Philippines
17 May 11
Yep. Caring is important as well as making sense.
• United States
17 May 11
I'm not sure of how people show there caring these days. Maybe it makes sense to them... uhmmmm??
• United States
17 May 11
I don't know that crazy would be my word of choice; but, yes. I noticed, that in general, people care about lots of things as long as the rewarding feeling they get from doing so outweighs any inconvenience of actually doing it. People no longer have intelligence, they have internet and reality TV. Any idea you can come up with you can find someone to support it on the internet no matter how bad it is. I cared about society once, before I realized how happy people are being ignorant sheep.
• United States
17 May 11
Thank you... I like that answer. Hahaha It's so cool to see and share the thoughts of others... concerning my blabberings. Sorry it took so long to reply; i did not realize there were such quick replys. Thanks... let's chat further. Douglas