Hellooooooooooooo are you all still there or here or anywhere?

@Humbug25 (12540)
May 22, 2011 4:24am CST
Well I came across a discussion yesterday about the world coming to an end (yes, you know who you are my friend haha). It was the first thing I had heard about it but I am happy to say that I am still here and hopefully you all are too! Hahahaa Did you hear about the world coming to an end on the 21st May 2011? Did you believe it? From what source did this come from?
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14 responses
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
22 May 11
I survived it just like so many others did and I am glad because I got to watch Doctor Who after all
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi there thezone BONUS!! hahaha Cheers for your response it did make me laugh
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
22 May 11
Doctor Who is always a bonus. What did you get up to on that fateful day?
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
The usual, washing, cleaning etc, maybe I should have left it so I would have had the excuse that the world was coming to an end hahaha My kids watched Doctor Who tho haha
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 May 11
Hello Dear Humbug! I have come to know abut it through this forum only! Now 21st May 2011 has passed and today it is 22nd May 2011! But then I am tensed because right at this moment we are having heavy storm going on , there is no electricity (I am working on the electricity got generated by the domestic generator!),all we could hear is loud blowing sounds of wind! I am afraid if the prophecy has been made bit earlier by mistake or what ? Now it is more than one hour this thing is going on! My son is watching the TV and hopefully there is no news about the end of this World on that as I am seeing that he is enjoying the movie on that! So let me wait for a while so that I can say if I am there or not! Till then I think I will take your leave and rejoin you if I survive! LOL! Thanks ! (The storm part is not a joke! It is really a strong storm we are experiencing near Delhi presently!)
@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hey there AKRao24 I too only heard about here on mylot, I was none the wiser beforehand haha. I am in the UK and it is windy here too thought nothing like what you appear to be experiencing. I hope your storm passes quickly and you rejoin us running on your mains electricity Thanks for your response
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 May 11
Hello Dear Humbug! Thanks God that Storm has not taken me towards the end of this World, now I am safe and confirm that I am alive! Now things have got settled there is silence after the storm and the electricity has recouped back by the department and now World looks more beautiful than before, it will be looking so till the time I am not getting engrossed with my daily routine and get surrounded by my day to day tensions from tomorrow, that is the first working day of the week! Thanks for the comment!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Jul 11
Hello Dear Humbug! Extremely sorry for the delay in responding! Thank you very much for selecting my response as the Best one! I appreciate your generosity and open hearted gesture in marking my response as the BR! In spite of having so many BRs I feel great every time I get one more BR! They are like medals to me! Thanks you very much one again! Have a nice day and happy Mylotting!
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
30 May 11
Ironically it was the same day that I was going away to the Isle Of Wight! 21st May to 28th May, it was a treat to myself for reaching 40. I don't believe the predictions, they've never come true before, so I place little interest or credence in the claims, fallacies if you like. I used to when I was younger but now that I am old, I don't really care, what will be will be and all that. I do tend live for today rather than tomorrow. It is true we live in a precarious world and I tend to enjoy the day rather than the future which to me is scary. I do believe in Global Warming and if any prediction can be made it will be that this Earth will slowly die, not sure how long it will last, but this planet is dying.
@Humbug25 (12540)
30 May 11
Hi ya wolfie Well the guy has since given another date for the world to come to an end I think in October. Will people be crazy enough to believe him again? It is nonsense really isn't it. You say that you are old, hey steady on, I too reached the big 4-0 this year too you know hahaha. We are older and we are most certainly wiser eh? hahaha Thanks for your response hun
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
23 May 11
no, I didn't believe it and I think I first heard about it here!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
23 May 11
Hi ya ElicBxn I don't think there were that many that did. I was just on the BBC website checking another news item out and it was mentioned on there but it certainly wasn't front page news hahaha Thanks for your response
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 May 11
Looks around nervously: Yep. I am still here and am glad that you are here too. It was a preacher who had prophesied it many years ago as well. A scam allegedly
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi ya Cynth I am so glad to see that you are still about too hahaha. It's all your fault y'know, you got me into this discussion in the first place hahahahaha did you see the first response I got to this discussion?!!! Thanks for your response as always 'friend' lol
• India
13 Jul 11
yea dude ..even i had heard of dat...about all this thing..armagedon and all....but it aint possible to extinct human life ...coz we r the best..!! and yess i heard it from news chanells.!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
13 Jul 11
Hey there XxshubhamxX Since this discussion I think they have made it another day now hahaha I dare say the same thing will happen haha Thanks for your response
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 May 11
Yes and no. Yes I heard about it, and no I did not believe it (I'm still here, aren't I?) As for the source, it was the Internet...mainly mylot! LOL Happy mylotting!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi sacmom good to see you Well I guess you would still be here if you didn't believe it too hahaha Thanks for the info and your response
• Australia
22 May 11
Oh i did hear of it and although i must consider myself a sceptic as i wasn't too worried, the thought of everything that i could loose if the world came to an end rose in my mind. I would have never seen my 5 year old son grow into and adult, the love of my life i may have never had the opportunity to meet, the wedding i have dreamed of my whole life. Finding a cure or treatment to bridge the gap between young souls with Autism and so called normal children. I know i have a long way to come as a human being and intent on living my life to my full potential and beig everything i can be in all aspects of my life. I think that is pure happiness and the judgementor... lol that chooses on judgement day would have sent me to a better place for sure, culture and beliefs aside i am genuinally a good person and am quite sure of that. I can admit my faults (because theres plentys) but also manage them appropriatly and do my best to treat others how i wish to be treated in return. I believe the source of the world ending was condendment day?? correct me if i am wrong... where the angles come down from heaven and rid the world of all the non belivers?!?!? to me religeon can be some freaky stuff. Live and let live i say, do what to other that you want done to you, is a great philoshpy and method to help choosing the right people to be around.
@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hey there dont_pick-your_nose (love your name haha I have no clue about angels coming down from heaven and getting rid of all the non-believers but one thing I do know and that is that I agree with you and treat people as I like to be treated myself. Many thanks for your response
• Southend-On-Sea, England
22 May 11
Well....we're all still here. These end of the world gloom & doom prophets have been spouting all about judgment day since time began, certainly all my lifetime and I'm getting closer to 60 than I'd like. I bet the guy who prophecised this particular incident of the world endign is feeling a bit stupid now lol.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi CelticSoulSister Oh yes I forgot about him, has anyone approached him and said 'Well?' yet? I wonder, I would love to see his face. I dare say he will have a response to it all like God had decided to give us another chance or something hahaha At least it has given us something to discuss on mylot I guess hahaha Thanks for your response
• United States
22 May 11
Still here, lol. I heard about it on tv but didn't really believe. I don't think there is anyone who knows that except God. People can come up w/some crazy ideas.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi ANTIQUELADY I did hear anything about it at all, not on the news, not on the radio and not on the internet. Maybe it was an American that started off and the Brits thought the news was not worthy of spreading it around here too hahahaha Thanks for your response and I am glad you are still here too
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
22 May 11
truth is it was a preacher here in arizona, that wanted to scam people for money and followers. surprising how many fell for it and he got very rich from it.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hey there bunnybon I wonder what God will have to say about that on his judgement day, surely he will be going to hell for such trickery and a so called man of the cloth too, that is so wrong in so many ways!! Thanks for your response and info
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
22 May 11
With this I remember a joke.. this happen just yesterday.. my friend works in a contact center(India) ... one of the customer(US) contacted the center and was telling the world will end on 21st. so my friend said "in that case this will be the last sale of my life..do you want a 3 year warranty for your system?" .. It was already 9pm of 21st in India.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi sumanadep Hahaha that is funny but I guess there are some people about that really did believe it and I have yet to find one hahaha Thanks for your response
• Philippines
22 May 11
Hello jeane, This proves that the end of the world is nothing more than a freaking hoax, am sure those in the family radio are doing their best to hide from the society because of their shame for telling such a hoax. these people have normal lifes and doesn't have time to get scared of something that is completely false
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi LetranKnight25 Who's Jeane? haha Anyway, I don't think that these people intensions were to make a hoax and try and fool others, I think they seriously believed it and I am to asume that they are American and so therefore have the freedom of speech which can be dangerous and put fear into people. What if people had taken it really serious and gone out pilfering or rioting or something and then world didn't end, oh what trouble they would be in then! Thanks for your response
• India
22 May 11
wat a joke the person should be a fool who said that 21st may 2011 will be the last day of the world. tell that person to go to sleep
@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi there gopakumar85 Well to be fair she didn't say the world was going to end on that day she merely mentioned that some people were saying it was going to happen but the main point of her discussion was asking what people were planning to do with their supposed last day. At no point did I say that she believed this herself, she made a discussion about something that others were saying that's all. Thanks for your response