Will your life change if FACEBOOK will shutdown?

@minimoyz (277)
June 1, 2011 10:11am CST
The social networking site Facebook has been said to shutdown on March next year. The reason behind is the site has gone out of control. Facebook has changed many lives in the virtual side and in real life. This is how powerful the internet is. So if facebook will shutdown what will happen to you? Will the it affect you in a positive way or the other way around?
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60 responses
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Facebook is like an album, an over-a-cup of coffee conversation, a get together gathering, a reunion, a close encounter and interaction all over the world, with all the fun and excitement present in it, so name it they almost have it all and so what more can you ask. As Facebook is cut off the air for sure it is like facing a vague situation as you sit down in front of your computer to start your day. The silent exchange of laughters will be gone and what is good in the morning as you greet in the absence of your friends, and what is good night as you are about to take a deep sleep. Sigh
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• Philippines
3 Jun 11
You almost stopped my biological clock to work in its normal condition, feeling so absurd
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
so what youre saying youll be so much affected? good news for you, facebook wont shutdown!! so there will still be an over-a-cup of coffee conversation with your friends! good day!
• India
2 Jun 11
My question is whether Facebook is the only social networking site, no there are many sites like orkut, twitter, linkedin, skype, etc. The peoples goal is to have contact with all their friends and relatives, thats it. This can be done through any of the ways, it can also be done through e-mails and chatting but it will have some drawbacks when compared to social networking sites as can not post photos, status message like these through mail. Mylot is also one kind of social networking site as we can be in touch with all friends here at the same time earn some money also here. As you are new to mylot, soon you will come to know more about it.
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• India
3 Jun 11
I also have a facebook account and have many friends in it from the last 2 years, but if facebook is not available, people would choose any other mode to contact with friends in online.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
I'll tell you this! create an acoount in facebook then find your friends there, then create an account in orkut,twitter etc. then do the same. then compare the number of friends thats in your facebook then in the other sites! if you're getting what i'm saying then you'll understand my point.
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
1 Jun 11
There are always many rumors about Facebook. Well, it may not affect me much. Sometimes I find myself spending too much time in Facebook, though I tried to control sometimes, I still feel like going to Facebook, playing some games, and chatting with friends. But, even if I don't spend time in Facebook, I'll still spend time surfing other sites.
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
They spread it fast and stay longer than we thought. That rumor age several years as it started a few years back. Most of the culprit will recycle back all those rumors and send it to everyone, everyday and every year again and again. The one that I know is true is about friendster which is going to shutting down and will come up with new design not as social networking site anymore. Faceook? No way! Mark will not shutting down this billion dollars asset~
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Really Facebook has really never been something that has really been a huge part of life. A fun distraction every now and again, but really, nothing that I take too seriously. And really it is not something that anyone should take too seriously. If it had vanished, it might be weeks before I knew it was really gone. And when I realize that it is gone, I would just sit there, shrug my shoulders, and really just move on with my life, approximately ten seconds later. That is really how little of an effect that Facebook has on my life. I think that a lot of people would be sad. Hopefully they would get over it. A lot of people would not be able to handle it. Oddly enough, many of these people are going to be the one's that take Facebook a bit too seriously, to the point where it gives them a lot of issues and turmoil. So yeah, Facebook going would be a sad day for many people but just a shrug and me not caring for me. Still something is bound to pop up its place. There will always be a market for something like that on the Internet.
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
The one thing that I,m sure of is this; when facebook will be gone another one will take its place! ;D
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
1 Jun 11
I had a life before I joined Facebook, where I have been a member for little more than 1 year now. there are many other websites where people can interact with each other. So if Facebook goes down, new websites will grow and people with meet.
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
yes i know, but facebook is very easy to access its a user friendly site, thats why its one of the top social networking site. but i heard that the news about it is a hoax. no need to be alarmed!!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
Yes, no worries to Facebook. There a lots of other social networking site to be choose if it is true~ Unfortunately it is not~
• India
1 Jun 11
I don't think so.. I am also one of the member in Facebook.. But one thing i must agree that the site has changed the lives in the virtual side and in real life... I agree with more than 100 % of your statement.. My life also changed totally.. But not in the Facebook... The other famous site which i would not like to tell in public.. This really shows how powerful the Internet is.. Before few months i was addicted differently & became mad... Hey don't think i was ill... That much of depression & frustration which i had.. But now i am normal.. But still i have pain mentally... But i can able to be in my control now... HATS OFF for this question.... It makes me to turn back & watch the things which happened at my recent past... Oh god !!!!
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• Pakistan
2 Jun 11
yeah das true that it will be replaced by a better one and i don think facebook gonna shut down that easily giving away all the profits the company is having,,,,,,
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
accepting change, to some people is hard for them. i am happy for those whose life changed for the better because of facebook and i am sorry for those whose life has gotten worst. but there's one thing i'll tell you, even though facebook will be shutdown (if it were true) it will be changed by a new one and maybe even better!!
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@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
2 Jun 11
Yes, I will be happier! FB is not really good for communication, as it only lets you write a few words! I know many people like it and probably depend on it, but I sure don't!
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
you know what!! it wont be a social networking site if you talk like you're giving a speech! if you write a long conversation there, no one would mind reading it! get my point?
• Pakistan
2 Jun 11
i would be relieved to see the people gettin out of this fuss...........coz it,s more of a compulsion now instead of a leisure time activity......cel phones and social networking has made life more bound and disturbed every time by everyone....it,s only gud if it,z used limited but it,s rare.....
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Hi. minimoyz, Welcome to myLot! No, not really. If I know how to get in touch with many people on Facebook, my life will not change. I can do without being on Facebook. Facebook is not all that important to me like it used to have been. I am okay with just being on myLot and at other sites that I enjoy being on. It will not affect me at all when I don't have Facebook as a part of my daily life.
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
Thanks cream for the warm welcome!! thats good of you not being affected! cause i know half of the world will be heartbroken when that does happen!!
• United States
1 Jun 11
No My life will not change without Face Book I really don't even like that site I had an account once and I closed it and re opened it recently for what I don't really know I would much rather be here! I kind of hope they do shut down!!So it would affect me in a good way sometimes I wish it didn't exist!!!!
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
People like us who does not really use Facebook will say that it is unimportant to us and don't mind if Facebook is shutting down. This is just a rumor and this site will never going to shut down but will evolved from time to time. You should closed the second account too if you don't use it at all~
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Not an inch. I lived much of my life without it, so if it closes, okay. It will not affect me in any way since it does not help me in any way. I do not get anything from it.
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@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
Great! This is really a good news. Once the facebook shut down, we can save a lot of social problems, families' problems, scam cases and so on. This site should be here in the first place. We can have other communication methods to replace this facebook. I personally feel that our children can have more outdoor activities if facebook shut down.
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
i dont know about that! coz surely when FB shuts down another one will replace it!
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
1 Jun 11
Either way it wouldn't affect me too much at all..Even though i do have a Facebook account, i very rarely use it and when i do,it's mainly to see what my friends and family members are up to or to play some of the games on the site but for those who are regular visitors to the site, i do think it would have a traumatic affect on them.
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
to some users the shutting down of facebook will have a great traumatic effect on them. they will feel like they have just lost someone dear to them. but i heard this was just a hoax!
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
1 Jun 11
I realized that Facebook enables you to create your ideal world, with people who share common ideas, which have the same tastes, which you can discuss things on and offline smart, you can help very much at times heavy. But I just discovered it's important for you to be authentic, to believe in the ideas you put that promise to get you any, because that day comes that you meet those people in the offline and that's when to create a long term friendship, outside the walls of Facebook. It would not change anything my life without facebook, but I'd miss the great people we have managed to gather around me.
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
Well said~ It is much better to have a real relationship but through Facebook we can widen the social groups. Let say if there is no Facebook, I will make sure to open new account in other social sites and gather back my friends. Social networking sites is just everywhere on the internet~
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
I am no facebook fanatic. If it is to be abolished from the face of the cyberworld I am still who I am. On the other hand if mylot is to go, I think the impact is felt badly.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 11
No, it is not solely for the money that we are glued to mylot. To be honest, mylot is not a good place to earn money let alone to make a living from mylotting. I have been here for many years and consider mylot as my second home. I enjoy the discussions and friends I met here are great.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
I don't know! But if everyone is here because of money then that will really affect their lives!
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
yeah! i enjoy the discussions here too! thats the main reason why i'm here!!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
Wow..well if it does happen, I am somewhat affected cause my business is there...and I think its easier to be updated with whats going on with my friends on facebook. But hey, I'll survive.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
yeah, i understand! many lives will change, maybe for the better or for the worst. i hope its not the latter.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Personally, it wont affect me. I already recently closed my facebook account and its a whole lot better now. But then, i am not wishing for it to shutdown..because there are really those who love it, so let them be, let them love facebook it might be doing something good for their lives,second i do not want it to shutdown because people have businesses, online businesses and they are relying on facebook..so if it will shutdown, their lives will also be affected and their source of income and i believe there are also workers behind facebook, though i believe they are rich now, it is still something for them. so no, i do not wish for it to shutdown.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
2 Jun 11
No at least it will not change my life. I am not active on face book. even I don't login daily. It may effect some net savy who are using it too much. It is site only to say hi, hello or to upload photo etc, I don't like these things.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
2 Jun 11
If you like than natuarly you will miss it. Get busy your self here.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
nice of you!! But it will still affect or life!!
@garson (884)
• United States
2 Jul 11
Ok, I didn't really know anything about Facebook shutting down next year. In fact, as I am trying to comment on this, I did a search. It is definitely true according to Onion News Services or whichever source it came first. I have Facebook, but I wouldn't be crying if it is really going to shutdown. It definitely has potential for social marketing. Other than that, I'm not really crazy with it. I don't think it will shutdown anytime soon because of its greater potentials.
@garson (884)
• United States
2 Jul 11
Facebook is BIG and getting BIGGER. The chance of it closing down is SLIM unless BIG things happen.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
2 Jul 11
The news came early this year that facebook will shutdown next year but then it came out to be a false alarm! I'm hoping it would not shutdown. I've got business there and associates and friends too!
@amitgune (877)
• India
2 Jun 11
I've been with Facebook for a long time. But in the past few months, since I have joined myLot, I have not logged into my facebook account. So, I guess it won't affect me much.