Population Control...let's discuss....

United States
June 1, 2011 4:00pm CST
I feel here in the USA we NEED some form of population control. I know of one woman in particular that has 4 kids, all have different fathers, and she is also pregnant with her fifth, by another man. She lives off of the government, she is not taking care of any of these poor children. Don't you think in cases like this, where they are not responsible or just don't care, that our government should be allowed to enforce some form of population control? I do. I feel it is wrong to keep bringing more children into this crazy world with out claiming the responsibility. I think it would help in many forms. Would down-size the amount of foster homes, and adoptions... Also would help our government to be able to provide better for our poorer citizens.
3 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
1 Jun 11
The problem cannot be solved by "population control" because there will always be those to try to take advantage of the system. The problem can be solved by tightening up the welfare system. She's playing the system. There are more people than ever on the government dole, and why? Because it's an easy way to live. Uncle Sam gives it out like candy and it's human nature to get what one can the easiest way possible. Population control will do nothing to stop that.
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
Population here in the Philippines is also booming. You're definitely right, we need population control or there will be more and more unemployed people and poverty might increase.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
1 Jun 11
if you decree population control, doesnt that smack of a communist state? who gets the right to decide how many kids you have?