Trying to Quit smoking for good...

By Leo
@d_e_v81 (360)
June 10, 2011 12:46pm CST
I have tried a couple of times and just got back into it more then before... My girlfriend and I end up gettin into tiffs...especially when she knows I'm goin for my 'break'. She's only lookin out for me and you know what? she is is a nasty habit... So here I go again trying to kick the habit for good... would like to hear from ex-smokers (Only!) on how they kicked the habit. I would really appreciate it if non-smokers stayed out of this discussion. reason being...they are only goin to come up with a rehash of whatever advise there is floating on the internet... Takes an ex-smoker to understand the hurdles that another smoker goes through to kick the habit... so tell me how you did it... :)
1 response
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
10 Jun 11
I know that when I wanted to stop, I made a decision to stop and kept at it till I did. I also knew why I wanted to stop and kept thinking and praying about that. I quit 41 years ago and never smoked again. Again: I wanted to stop.