Legit site like Microworkers... I have found one :)

@seobuzz (1120)
June 11, 2011 11:59am CST
I was just browsing the mylot and I found this website link, which has same functionalities like Microworkers.. This site is Minifreelance.com, looks promising to me. Your opinions?
2 people like this
8 responses
@amitgune (877)
• India
11 Jun 11
Need to check out this site. If it is like Microworkers, great. I shall get back to you on this. Keep me posted if you hear anything new.
@amitgune (877)
• India
12 Jun 11
Minifreelance seems indeed promising. I have already registered and done a little bit on the site. The work is pending review.
@amitgune (877)
• India
12 Jun 11
No not yet. I have not yet done enough work there.
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
12 Jun 11
Ya, same here. But yes it certainly looks promising. you said you have microworkers account have you cashed out?
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
I tried signing up to this account and I am also a member of Microworkers, but my problem is they said they will be sending the PIN to my mailing address and I am not sure how long that would take for the PIN to arrive here in the Philippines or if it will actually arrive. Anyone from the Philippines who has experience with these two sites? thanks!
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
27 Jul 11
I would like to inform you that Microworkers is absolutely legit site for making money online. After you request the PIN, they will send the PIN within 21 days. And in my case they did send the PIN well before 21 days. So don't worry about it too much, just concentrate on doing more tasks so that you can earn more money.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Jun 11
I just would like to know how you know that Minifreelance.com is a legit website. Did you get your payment from it? You know there are quite a lot of scams via the net and therefore I am careful to join a new earning website. I love China
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
13 Jun 11
ya, you should be careful before joining new site. You should check all possible issues before signing up. But the site is newly launched. And even microworkers or mylot were launched new few years ago!
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
25 Jun 11
I had enjoyed working with Microworkers. This site you mentioned is new to me. It would be quite interesting if it works like Microworkers. I certainly will take a look at it. I hope it doesn't take too long a time to get to the payout amount. That's the frustrating part about the sites to make some earning online.
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
25 Jun 11
Yah, but that website also has $10 payout. So I think it will not be a concern for you to reach the minimum payout. Happy myLoting.
11 Jun 11
It looks *exactly* like the original Microworkers. Since that site's just changed ownership, the cynical part of me says that Minifreelance is the original people starting a new site to bring in cash again. The jobs look the same, too.
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
11 Jun 11
What I can surely make out is that new website which is trying to compete with well established microworkers. Because this website is promoting itself in available jobs section. I have joined this website and checked some FAQs. It looks like previous version of microworkers! Hope it becomes the 2nd microworkers. If so there will be another earning opportunity for me. :)
@spockers (221)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
I think Minifreelance.com is like microworker,com. When you are in in this two site, the mechanics is totally the same, the anly difference is there logo, but going to the site, you will feel like you are also in microworker.com.
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
21 Jun 11
Yes, frankly speaking it is the old version of microworkers. Everything is same. I like it.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
11 Jun 11
As I have just heard of it, I am not in a position to make any comment on it. If I join it, I must convey my opinion about it.
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
11 Jun 11
If you join, please let me know how you are experiencing there. Though I could not have waited more so I joined the site instantly after I found. Are you microworkers member?
• India
11 Jun 11
I also heard abt the site...Bt I m nt a memeber so cant say anything abt the site...
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
11 Jun 11
When I heard anything new I just sign up because it only need 2 minites.. After that if I find it legit I continue unless I don't.