Anyone noticing the failing net?

United States
June 11, 2011 5:53pm CST
Has anyone else noticed that along with the ever increasing failed bux-type sites out there, that the good ones are slowly dying off as well? It saddens me to see it but in the end even the honest sites with morals are slowly going south. One of the big ones that are now just putting people in review status when payouts are requested, is got me personally bummed out. I had put 40-50 dollars of my own money in to try and speed up the process of upgrades and rented refs. Now i am under review for close to 3 weeks and payout is supposed to be done within 7-10 days. Its hard especially for people new to the internet to have faith in any programs out here when 90%+ rip off your money or make big false promises. Its no wonder that 99% of people think all internet jobs are scams. its to bad that the legit ones have dropped from 1 outta 3 to 1 outta 10. I guess that is why people say not to invest any money on online work. I try to be optimistic but how much money and time can these worthless people steal before ruining the internet totally for everyone else? Even sites that have great records for several years are starting to cheat and rip people off. Well in the end they will get what they deserve, life has a way of making sure of it. I will not give up and will find more great sites to go with the few i have now. So anyways although there are alot of scams and they are getting worse, dont give up. However i would triple check any site that is asking for money. Never jump into something where start up capital is required before giving you a chance to investigate the site. As these are almost always scams.I wish all honest people with moral's great fortune and wisdom. I cant say what i wish for the scam-type of people that are ruining the net or my article would not get published.
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1 response
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
hi friend yeah connection gets failed due to poor signal of the network providor and it delays many works that were having on the net. and it gets me disappointed. god bless