if you are given a chance to be feature in the guiness book of world records?

@flower21 (765)
June 12, 2011 1:20am CST
What kind of special skill are you going to shown? If their any feat you like to achieve that you think no other person yet achieve? What could you think of, kindly share? Some people engage in an event like a competition from baking the largest pie or harvesting large and biggest fruits. others join as the smallest person or the tallest. Do you think you have the unusual talent to be feature in guiness book of world record?
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4 responses
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Because I am a lazy kind of person, the guiness book talent I will do is, the world greatest lady sleeper. But of course I will just pretend I am sleeping once my brain is awake. I will just remember to do not open my eyes because I need to be sleeping for long. Maybe for a week or two. Or maybe person who sings 24 hour a day? These are the only talents I have.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
lol..that is very unique maybe sleeping for a centuries just like sleeping beauty till a prince come to wake you and ended those spell put to you by the bad witch. and about your other talent of singing for 24 hours. i think i could not do it and maybe just to listen for more than 24 hours for a year without interruption is a good skills too?
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• Philippines
13 Jun 11
well i could not think of something extraordinary. maybe i have to study or hone some skills in me that yet have to discover. how about, sleeping all day without eating or dancing non stop for whole year. so that going to be terrible. but i think you could join there if you are so confidence no other person in the world could do the same achievement you think have no similar talent as you do.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
that is very extraordinary feat babe. and tell me it you successfully done it as you may be eligible to join in Guinness world record. anyway their is no payment for participation or monetary rewards. it is only given as a form of recognition and if you are selected if would make you fell proud of your self. at least you try and think about your other skills you share it to other and when other learn it they would surely appreciate your talents.
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@ariana01 (182)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I think i would be in there for making the largest pie in the world .
@ariana01 (182)
• United States
13 Jun 11
i love to cook.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
your response make feel hungry. i myself like to cook but i devote most of the time searching for delicious food. it make me forget my worries and other problems. eating and cooking food is very relaxing at the same time you get to share it to your loved ones to taste your masterpiece. being amateur cook or an expert s a good thng we learn from mistakes and we strive to make every cooking an experience.
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• United States
12 Jun 11
I really don't think I'm unusual. I'm sure there's things that I'm different from the norm, but I'm not the only one. Damn my good genetics!
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
lol..okay your deserving a good genetics make it hard to find some flaws though some people have such unique skills and talents still unmatched even now days. i admire those people who make a difference in this world thorough their imperfection or odd skills they find a way for other people to get amaze by their new found fame. Though, human have limit this proves throughout the past time they have endowed with many skills and build lots of architectural and amazing work of arts...
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