Name the three most important things to make your relationship ideal?

@flower21 (765)
June 12, 2011 1:50am CST
If you could make three things to make your relationship ideal. What would it be? I know in every relationship undergo lot of trial and error and you could not expect a perfect relationship. Sometimes boredom or being fall out of love happen. For me to have a strong relationship, I choose to compromise, trust and responsibility as my ideal of a good relationship. How about you?
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4 responses
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
first thing i could think of is to be honest or honesty. i could only accept a partner if he is honest to tell his bad or good sides. if he accept me for what i am and also have the same feeling is mutual. then after that is trust. i could only accept him because he believe in me to make our relationship stronger. third is faith with god as the center of every relationship. with fer he would avoid to think or act anything evil.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yeah that s also a good values and to be honest in things you do it make you feel good. other perception about you would be good too. all your friends and colleague would put there trust on you. most people like to befriend honest people as they tend to do good things and defend the right.
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Hi there. I am a married wife with one daughter. I do agree with you when you stated that "every relationship undergoes a lot of trials..." I'm perfectly sure that no relationship is an exception. But I believe these trials and tests are the special ingredients which spice up the relationship and depending on the reaction of both partners to these trials, it will depend whether they will go a long way or a separation is ahead. Personally, I feel that the 3 essential factors which make a relationship ideal are: 1. Both parties should trust each other. But along with this trust, there must also be an open line of communication. 2. A sense of responsibility is also important in a relationship. 3. Sincere love should ultimately be present and loving someone means loving not only his or her good traits; but also the not-so-good ones, too. Before I forget, I'd like to say that I find your avatar quite cute and entertaining. 'Til next time.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
that is a good summary you do and it helps a lot when another depressed person read it or even those who had not yet experience being left out or heart broke. they would take this tips as a good advices and would make them realize they are many important things they need to focus and become more productive than thinking sadder over a break up.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
for me the three most important things to make a relationship become more ideal are having of loyalty,patience and love,because i believe that once you love the person you will put loyalty and patience for him no matter what happen or what misunderstanding you could have to him.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
The three most important thing in relationship is trust for each other, love because if you love you also have to sacrifice and do the best that you can to stay in the relationship and lastly is faith, put God in the center and you will not go wrong always.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yes that al true trust should be the first priority. all things depend on it and you could not give all yourself for someone who never believe in you or never learn to trust you is a great weakness to consider. yes god should be the center and with him every thing goes easy as the couple plan proceed smoothly with his blessing he gives.