I created a MyLot Task

@oninomar (505)
June 18, 2011 9:46am CST
I created a myLot task yesterday but I just wondering about the cost of my task it must only be $3.6 including the 20% fee but I think mylot charge me $4 for that..I think they round off to the higher whole number?? Have you tried to create a task here in mylot? Do you have any idea about it?
1 response
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
18 Jun 11
hi Oninomar, first time i am seeing a dicussion about creation of mylot task and its charges and how much mylot collected the amount and how you be profitable with this task,what is the task, really it is quite new to me, so i am responding to your discussion,let me know more details of it,have a nice day