daceband still pay ?

@iklananda (1202)
June 20, 2011 12:19pm CST
Hey i just read some discussion here in mylot about daceband and i am interesting to join that site. Any one still know whetere the site still paying and legit or not ? What can we do there ? is it like stumbleupon or what ?
2 responses
• United States
21 Jun 11
I am also on Daceband, but I haven't reached payout yet, if I get paid, I'll let you know. It's still going to take me awhile to get paid.
@iklananda (1202)
21 Jun 11
Is it like a social bookmarking site there ? If it social book marking site and paid us some amount of money than it willbe great for us to join there.Bookmarking and earning. Two great combination
@overtoom (33)
• United States
20 Jun 11