Will my payment and account get forfeited?

@uniqueorn (1011)
June 25, 2011 3:35am CST
I've been out from this forum for quite a while now. My computer crashed and got my internet connection disconnected. Having not visited the forum and not being active for almost a year now, are these grounds for the forfeiture of my payment?
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8 responses
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
26 Jun 11
hi, 90 days of inactivity makes you lose what you earned. it must be a painstaking effort that you did to earn that amount but to be fair, it is stated in the terms and mylot is only doing their job. but its not the end, you just think tha you are a new born and learning to walk. that will not make it difficult to start. try. ann
@Ramsesxlll (1431)
• Finland
26 Jun 11
I am sorry for your loss... (except that you probably did some much more productive work than myLot...) Anyway... Why wouldn't you get paid? I don't know of any rules/regulations that inactive accounts or their payments would get forfeited
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
Hi! I don't know if that's a ground to lose your payment but that happened to me. I got a few dollars left when I got inactive for a long time. The moment I came back, my earnings returned to zero. It was really disappointing because I thought it would still be there and it would only take a few more dollars for me to reach payment. So now, I'm working hard again to reach payment. Happy myLotting!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jun 11
hi uniqueorn I remember you as i liked your user name. oh my did you sigh in every 90days? If so what ever earnings you had will still be there otherwise nol your account will be there but no the earnings as they are confiscated after 3 months absence without being signed in. that was in the agreement you signed when you joined mylot.probably you did not notice it as I did not but my son had seen it and kept me signed in when we were homeless. your account probably will still be there but not the money unless you had kept signing in every few months.welcome back and sdo stay now. okay/ lol lol
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
25 Jun 11
Owlwings is right, but you could try to tell your problems to Go ask Alice. Sometimes they are flexible if you can prove that you have a real problem. I donĀ“t know if it works for yor earnings, but it has worked for me with deleted posts.
• United States
26 Jun 11
According to the Terms of Service if we do not log in for 90 full days any earnings there automatically get zero out. You say you have been away so I am wondering if your earnings are still there. As my understanding is that after 90 days they do get forfeited. In order to avoid this in the future, when you do not and or cannot log in, basically just log in once before the 90 days and although you do not have to participate in discussions you just want to make sure you do so that your earnings do not get zero out. Once they zero the earnings there is no way to get them back. I saw Admin a couple weeks ago explaining this to a member who dis loose their earnings.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
25 Jun 11
It says in the Terms and the FAQs that if you don't log in for a period of 90 days, you will forfeit your earnings. It is up to you, of course, to have read and agreed to the Terms when you joined. http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq6.aspx#21
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
25 Jun 11
If you look at your account balance, and it is the same as when you left... then you can just earn from there, and when you reach pay out, you should get your earnings. Also, your account should be fine, as you are still here! ^_^ It has not been deleted due to inactivity or anything.