What can you say about Facebook?

Facebook - Facebook-Online Social Networking Site
June 26, 2011 7:29pm CST
I have been using facebook for quite a while and I am really enjoying all of it. Have you any thing against facebook? The only thing I don't like is the spam videos with rated x pictures displayed on it. I have my kids using facebook and I wouldn't want them seeing those. I wish facebook would have someone to remove this types of spam on facebook. I wonder where this even come from. Well anyways aside from that all is good. What about you what do you think of it?
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6 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
23 Jul 11
Hi p3halliwel, I would say FB is a good social networking site. I like this site because I was able to find out almost all my class mates, old friends whom i haven't met in years. But though the privacy and spams make it not so safe.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
27 Jun 11
I enjoy Facebook and I admit that it gave me the opportunity to discuss again with people I hadn't met for years,and I like it in general because I can use it as a way to promote my articles and post other interesting things.I have nothing against it,but I am a little surprised to hear that many people spend long hours on Facebook every day.In this case,it can be a waste of time;that's why I don't spend more than about 20 minutes a day,I prefer to be on Mylot which,unlike Facebook,pays me for my activity.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 11
I have a high opinion of it, because it provided me with the chance to re-connect with many friends from my youth, which was amazing to me. Also, I love being able to post links that all my friends can see, links to my writing, links to my songs, and so on. Obviously it has to be used wisely and cautiously, like all powerful phenomena. But when all is said and done, it's an excellent site; lay-out, format, first-rate; its success is richly deserved.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Jun 11
I am a member of Facebook but I am not addicted to it. I am not even very interested in it. Since Facebook is blocked in my country, so I don't have many friends who are active there. It seems it is a social networking for my foreign friends mainly. So I lost my interest, too. Today it seems that I just take advantage of my Facebook account to finish some tasks for some websites. I love China
• Philippines
27 Jun 11
I've been a member of facebook for quite sometime now. And I can surely say that I had great time exploring the site. It gave the chance to be reunited with my old classmates and friends and most especially with loved ones from abroad. I've got nothing about facebook. With regard to rated x videos, facebook has some sort of panel or group that would close the account of any user who has been trying to copy the link of the videos on their walls. happy facebooking!
@ekieen (4)
• Malaysia
27 Jun 11
The only thing that i don't like about facebook is, it makes my hubby addicted to it! less attention on me :(