The Making of Gays and Lesbians

United States
June 27, 2011 3:05pm CST
The Making of Gays and Lesbians - Do you still have questions about why there are so many confused people in our societies?
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3 responses
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
28 Jun 11
Gays and lesbians are not made anymore than heterosexuals. The idea is to let them live without much problems. Even heterosexual women still have gender problems even though they are about half the population. Our society is confused if it does not accept that all people are created equal.
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
29 Jun 11
You are right. We make choices. Like studying, like robbing a Bank or working for our money. But race and gender are not choices. Do you think your race is a choice?
• United States
29 Jun 11
All people are created equal...the choices they make are not. We should respect each other's existence, no question...however, there are choices that people make that intrude on that respect...just a thought
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
G4ys are males while... L3sbians are females there are only 2 s3xes: Male and Female there are no 3rd s3x if there are 3rd s3x therefore there are also 4th s3x up to 1,001 kinds of s3xes.... but sad to say that there are only 2 kinds of s3xes...... as science identify that an every human being has 2 s3xes: 1. Body S3x (identify thru Gr0in or Fl0wer) 2. Brain S3x (a female brain or a male brain) as what i said before... G4Y's have a body of Male while having a brain of a Female, but they are still considered as Male.... hope they will accept it because that is the reality... whereas.... L3SBIANS have a body of Female while having a brain of a Male, but they are still considered as Female.... hope also that they will accept it because that is the reality..... and here is another thing more: when you say he is a Male, therefore, his body also contains 50% of a female... same explanation to the Female side.... no matter how intensity the light flashed to the porcelain cup, the depth of the shadow it created also varies..... light that flashed symbolized as Female depth of the shadow symbolized as Male that porcelain cup symbolized as a Human Being
• Philippines
27 Jun 11
Yeah I do! I just don't really understand why people are being confused. Is it because of the genes or the influence of their environment? Or maybe because they are just meant to be that way??? I know a lot of people and have friends who are so handsome, so gorgeous with model-like figure that are in between. I just hope there's no such contagious gender related airborne virus in this planet. :D However, I respect the existence of gays and lesbians. Like I said I got so many friends who are like that. They are human after all.
• United States
1 Jul 11
Xsparky017, I, too, respect the existence and rights of gays and lesbians, though I do not condone the lifestyle. They are fellow humans and thus entitled to full protection of laws - I just do not buy their allegations that they were born gay or lesbian. I know that homosexuality and lesbianism are learned lifestyles, and often the result of abuse.
• Philippines
2 Jul 11
Hey there Netsbridge! Me too, that's exactly what my opinion is. I think gays and lesbians are being influenced by their environment and the people whom they have encountered in their lives. It's not in the blood nor genes or whatever means of inheritance, it's a lifestyle choice. :)
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
15 Sep 11
Teaching kids to not fall into gender roles that society places on them has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether they will turn out to be gay or not! This is some crazy thinking. I grew up in the 60's when women stayed home and raised babies, cleaned house and the man went out to work. Girls played with boring dolls and boys did sports and all the fun stuff. My dad was a teacher and a dam good dad. He literally broke down these roles in our home and for his students. It was ok for me to climb trees, play football and get dirty. I also had to mow the lawn, take out trash etc and my brother had to do dishes, clean the bathroom. He was encouraged to cry and express his emotions. He isn't gay and neither am I. It has nothing to do with any of this. It's a ridiculous discussion and no "gang members" are having it removed so it kind of kills your point on your most recent discussion.