Nadal vs DelPatro pre-quarter final was a treat to watch.

@hanuma34 (819)
June 27, 2011 8:53pm CST
Last night (in India) the match between Rafa the spaniard and DelPatro the six foot six inch Argentinian was enthralling. Both played unbelievable strokes. Some of Rafa's incredible retrieving abilities showed why he is number one in Tennis. Yet I was wishing the 22 year old argentinian to win the match for the matching game he exhibited. Perhaps his game deteriorated after he had the muscle pull (it appeared)on the left thigh. Surely this match was one of the number of matches in this Wimbledon championships that brought nail-biting finishes.
2 responses
• India
29 Jun 11
It definately turned out to be a thriller and an exciting game. Both NAadal and Del Porto played extremely well and gave each other a run for their money with their exquisit stroke play. But at the end it was Nadal who proved why is is still numbero uno. hats off to him because despite having an injury he overcame all odds and went on to beat Del Porto who definately was not an easy opponent considering how hard he hits the tennis ball. But nevertheless congrats to Rafa and well played..
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
28 Jun 11
I saw this match and it was one of the best ones that I watched on Winbledon so far. Del Potro is showing that he's coming back to his great shape and that soon he's going to be playing the way he used to. I was so rooting for Del Potro on this match, he is such a carismatic player. Too bad that Nadal ended up winning..