Pirated or Genuine Software

June 28, 2011 7:39am CST
Get real with me people. Some software can really be expensive. Do you use genuine or hacked softwares? I am a choral arranger and i surfed the net for music softwares. Darn! It is expensive.. around 600 USD, that is equivalent to 30000 pesos here! Would you buy the original ones?
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4 responses
@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
same here, i am using unlicensed OS for my PC. I don't find any difference with the legitimate one, and if there is any, I don't think I will need it.
28 Jun 11
The only difference is the huge fine if they catch you.
28 Jun 11
Always buy. There are usually alternatives to the expensive products (Open Office instead of MS Office and so on), though they might not have all the bells and whistles. Since I use apps for work, I have to be licensed or I'd get in trouble!
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
Well, I were in your position, I would most definitely settle for the pirated one for one exclusive reason - it's cheap and as much as it going to hurt some industries, they really can't compete with people looking and creating for cheaper alternatives but still good quality. I grew up in a household where settling for a cheap alternative is sermon of everyday. If I can find it cheap, it was good. If I find I free or ripped, much better. Although I encountered some problem with pirated software, I wasn't a big loss for me especially if it wasn't really necessary. I guess I would only settle for the genuine if I get fed with the pirated ones. I think in today's world, industries are in disadvantage specially in terms of giving away free stuff. Many people abuse this position but what can you do? The lifestyle of today makes spending on leisure and luxury practically impossible. So, I think people would rather go for cheap rather genuine...but still good quality.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
28 Jun 11
The answer for this in such forums is YES. It is advisable to use original software. It depends on the country where u are living. If it is USA must, must. good day.