Some people just can't move on

June 29, 2011 10:48am CST
We All know that change is the only permanent thing in this world. At first you are like that then you become like this, then another to another. until you are completely different but complete, people will think you're different. but in all honesty, you're complete. Unfortunately, there are some people who remains the same. not only they don't like accepting change they stay away from people who change, and left themselves alone. I know one here who's doing that right now. i hope and pray he make changes to himself, for his friends and family. Have you helped some one change for the better? or worse?
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4 responses
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
8 Nov 11
Park is an equal and opposite force, the more we try to advance before we are drawn even farther back, perhaps this is normal, that is the force that keeps the universe in motion, alive. I think our duty and our purpose is never to stop, but continue to go forward because if we are drawn into the abyss stalled, will remain mediocre and insignificant. We must accept this fact and continue toward evolution, regardless of what we feel should go on.
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Yes.. your right we should never stop, if we stop we can never see what is beyond, what those changes can contribute to us, we hoping that changes may be good for us,and if not, then we dont stop until we found what we need to know and what makes us happy. Thanks for the response didi..
@spockers (221)
• Philippines
29 Jun 11
Changes is part of our life. Everything in the earth is changing, sometime for better, others for worst. People must accept the fact that we can't stay on what we are right now, because we need to be fit on our environment, so we also need to change as the people around us change. I also know people who can't leave the past, and move on for the better tomorrow, because the think that what they did in the past well stay for long. But the truth is when you are in fame at this time, it might lose tomorrow, so we better move on and continue the life that we started.
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
Just reminds me of that celebrity who couldn't move on and hang himself in the end. i feel bad when he has more to do the world. it's nice indeed.
29 Jun 11
a lot has happened in my life, and i like to think that i've changed for the better, although if someone was to change for the worse, i'd rather them stay the same! .. i'd rather have a friend stuck in the same rut, and i can try and pick them up, than them change for the worst and become someone i don't recognize or wanna be around ya know?
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
some people does that, my attitude didn't really change that much except change for the better. people are not used to it.
• Guam
29 Jun 11
Heaven and Earth will pass away but My words will never pass away = Jesus I am helping myself...Anyone can help others. That why people pray for others.
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
that's a more religious perspective, but you're right too. thanks