How to find your best friend?

July 3, 2011 5:27am CST
We meet many people but how to find our best friend and choose a person to make a friend?
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3 responses
@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
3 Jul 11
It's not how long we've friends with the one I consider as my best friend. We were only together for over a year then, I consider her best. I have a lot of friends but the one is different. A best friend for me is someone who can sense what you feel even when you did not say anything.
• India
3 Jul 11
@GemmaR (8517)
3 Jul 11
I don't think that you really "choose" your best friend really. It is just about finding which friend you get on the best with and can tell the most too. I know that I have a lot in common with my best friend and we can literally talk for hours and hours about what's going on in our lives at the time. Also, even if we don't see each other for weeks and months on end then it is so easy to get back into our friendship and we can always still talk as though we have never spent any time apart at all. I often worry about what will happen to our friendships after I leave university, because we all live so far apart and have different commitments.
• India
3 Jul 11
@llooll519 (108)
• Portugal
3 Jul 11
It isn't easy (for me) to make friends where ever I go... To know if she/he is your best friend, just follow your instincts :)