Can a boy and girl be best friends and nothing more?

July 3, 2011 7:06am CST
Can a boy and girl be best friends like sharing everything except the bed. Is this possible?
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9 responses
@allknowing (132070)
• India
4 Jul 11
Platonic love is hard to come by. Closeness will some day lead to intimacy. To avoid intimacy therefore friendship has to be restricted inasmuch as for example one cannot go on holidays together or share a room!
@allknowing (132070)
• India
5 Jul 11
I visited your profile and see that you are just 18. Too early to categorically say that you will not be involved.
• India
4 Jul 11
Ya. We haven't shared a room till now. And we two admire the company of each other.
• India
5 Jul 11
Ya....but we went on a trip just 2 months ago. A group of 5 friends. And we didn't share a room
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
yes. it is possible.. Best example of which is your childhood friend maybe. Sometimes, growing up together and spend time more often together makes two people treat themselves as brother and sister. They end up being best friends and nothing more. They just support each other in their love lives and cheer for each other in their success.
• India
4 Jul 11
That's a really nice example!
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
thank you anan.. you don't have to worry much about those things.. actually it depends on the two persons. if they want to break their relationship or not.. sometimes bestfriends remains as friends because they don't want to lose their friend.. they better not to lose them because of the risk of getting arguments and infinite quarrels if they engage in romantic relationship..
• India
6 Jul 11
Yes. Same thing with me. I don't want to loose a friend and have quarrels. I just realise that we're fine with so many activities of each other which we would have stopped each other from if we were in a relationship.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
6 Jul 11
Yes, it is possible as my best friend once was a boy. We were really close and he visited me in our house when we parted going to different college. But the friendship remained until he got married. He is no longer my best friend is now his wife as we went to same school and she was my classmate then! He is my second best friend now!
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
6 Jul 11
Yes, there was nothing between us since he's not my type of man and me is not his type. He is courting my cousin then but was rejected many times. I was fascinated with another guy then, our senior in high school and his commandant in Citizen Auxiliary training.
• India
6 Jul 11
Was he your best friend and nothing more? Did either of you have a relationship with someone else while you people were best friends?
1 person likes this
• India
7 Jul 11
Hmmm...that's nice. We're actually pretty 'our type' but we don't want to put an end to such a nice friendship and start quarrels between up by starting a relationship.
• India
5 Jul 11
hey i dont get you .. what do you mean by there is more .. see when you say such things even i am getting irritated though i am a third person so just think about him .. he deserves to know about your relationship in order take his relationship a step forward with his girl that is your friend. so i dont support you for this .. somewhere something is fishy ..
• India
5 Jul 11
hey ok i dont want to talk further on this topic but i think its going to end in a mishap .. good luck nyways..
• India
5 Jul 11
We don't tell him that there's something more! He only gets the best friend part. That's his share of knowledge.
• India
5 Jul 11
so make things clear to him about you degree of friendship before its too late .. you dont want to ruin your best buddy's relationship because of your lovely friendship na ??? think about it /....
• India
5 Jul 11
He knows we're best friends but there's still more! We can't tell him more...nothing physical but yet you know...
• India
5 Jul 11
hi this is quite not the question of your age .. if the age mentioned in your profile is true ... but still ya it is possible for a girl and boy to be in a friendly relationship apart from ending up as couples. i can give myself as an example to it .. me and my best friend have been friends from the time i was in grade 6 . we are still friends best best friends .. and to add on to the creamy part both of us are happily settled in a lovey dovey affair with our partners respectively ... and like you said we do discuss many things that we cant discuss with our partners among us.. mostly it includes stuffs like how to solve the fights between us .. so when it comes to fight between our partners your best friend is there to sort it out for you .. but i will completely disagree with one of your comment where you had written " we as in you and your friend haven't told her partner about your friendship " MY point is if you guys are only in a friendly relationship why hide it from her partner .. why dont you understand how hurt he will be if he gets to know about this own his own through some other source . do you think he will believe you guys then ?? it will only land you in mire disgusting situation .. so let her partner know about your friendship before its too late...happy day :):)
• India
5 Jul 11
Thanks for your comment. The age on my profile is true. What i meant by that his partner doesn't know is that he knows that we're friends but he doesn't know how great friends. And we're friends to such a degree that he'll disagree that we're not in love love(and not plutonic love), he already knows that we're friends...
• United States
10 Jul 11
Yes. A guy and a girl can and are Just friends.Only friends.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Jul 11
Naturally something like that is possible. In fact there are going to be many cases like there where it is in fact possible. Very possible in fact that a boy and a girl are nothing but just friends. Just friends and nothing more and really if they tried to be something more, then it would end in a very bad manner to say the very least. Some people are really meant to be nothing more than best friends. Of course people aren't going to believe that a lot of time. There are many people with nothing better to do, than to talk about others. They will obviously talk about what is really going on between two friends of opposite genders. That is simple human nature I suppose, people do love to gossip. However, it is really one of the more annoying aspects of humanity to say the very least. Still it is possible for a boy and a girl to be best friends and nothing more, but there will always be people who talk and speculate otherwise.
• India
4 Jul 11
I'm in such a friendship. We share everything about our lives. Thinking about the gossip part, i simply don't tell people anything and they think we're under a relationship and they don't poke their noses in this matter any more.
4 Jul 11
Yes it is possible I have a friend who is a boy and nothing more.
• India
4 Jul 11
But is that friend of yours, your best friend? You share everything with him?