Why tag private messages

July 3, 2011 2:56pm CST
A private message is sent to a friend. Why do we need to tag them. They're not for all mylot users to run a search on...
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3 responses
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
3 Jul 11
Hi anancool5, This is something I've been wondering myself! I am interested in hearing the reasoning behind this. Hopefully, this discussion will us both the answer we're both eager to hear!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jul 11
bring us both the answer* Sorry, typo!
1 person likes this
• India
3 Jul 11
I've been waiting for a reply since a long time and suddenly i see a response. I happily rushed in here to find you ;) join the club! At least i'm not alone! :)
• India
3 Jul 11
I got the answer from the admin. He said-It's basically to give you a means to search your messages for specific things should the need ever arise.
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
3 Jul 11
i was just wondering that yesterday, it just made no sence at all but they must have some reason...
• United States
4 Jul 11
Glad you understand now anantcool5!
• India
4 Jul 11
Ya...lol....me and many other people ;) am i right, miss angelee?! ;)
• India
3 Jul 11
It's basically to give you a means to search your messages for specific things should the need ever arise.
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
I have the same question! I wonder about this everytime I go to messages. Once I even checked if I was under discussions instead of being in messages. I hope someone here can give us the answer
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Jul 11
They did, in the previous responses. It is for organisation purposes.