Computer hanged

United Arab Emirates
July 4, 2011 5:07am CST
dear myloters i have some dificulties and i like to share it with you becouse i know that there are lot of friends who can solve this problem my pc hanged/stuck some time and the mouse/keyboard nothing can work and then i have to restart the pc manually which is not better sometime for my date how i can solve this problem ? i have acer pc with window vista home premium processor 1.6Ghz x2 RAM 2GB and HD 220GB
9 responses
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
when this happened to my personal computer, i immediately looked in the video card cooler fan, or processor cooler fan, or power supply exhaust fan.... see to it if do revolution or not.... because it will only reach it's rebooting temperature if the motherboard or systems is suffer from fever..... due to overheat....
• India
4 Jul 11
@mantis I thing that also a issue of slowing down a are right...some times My laptop slows down dew to the cleaning problem..and get hanged .
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
that's the reason why you have an option of SHUTDOWN TEMPERATURE located in the "Press del to enter setup BIOS" i'm talking about Desktop Personal Computer... the system will automatically reboot or hanged-up or slow-down first then hanged-up if the computer detects your preset or default Shutdown Temperature.... my ASUS Motherboard is working in 32 degrees while my Shutdown Temperature is 80 degrees....
• India
4 Jul 11
keep your computer clean.. clean temp files....try to clean prefetch.....try disk clean up...and use the operating system managers or tune up utilities to clean up your system.... and also scan your PC with a updated antivirus...
• India
4 Jul 11
If you don't clean those data it will store day by day and unnecessary occupy some disk space and slow down your system... I have experienced it many times in my laptop..... When my laptop slow down a bit I used to do those process to speed up my computer.
• Malaysia
5 Jul 11
Sounds like you have to change to a new one...also maybe sometime the wires are not connected properly. If you upload alot of videos and save it might also cause the slow the loading.
7 Sep 11
I suggest try to use an updated antivirus to check if there is virus hiding in your computer. If it doesn't solved the problem check your computer for overheating problem. sometimes this is the cause of that problem.
• Hong Kong
4 Jul 11
Did you install any anti-virus software in your computer? I am wondering if your computer is infected by virus. If you do have an anti-virus software, don't hesitate, perform a virus scan immediately to see if it can locate the problem file in your computer. If you don't have one, you can download the free anti-virus software online like kaspersky, AVG or something else. Also, did you install any new softwares recently to your computer? It is becaise of you installed some new softwares to your computer, the new one may clash with the other softwares in your computer. It happened to me before, my computer hanged and nothing can moved at all. What you can do is to 1. restore your system to the state when you computer was normal. You can make use of the tool of windows to restore it; 2. Reboot the computer and enter the safe mode, uninstall the softwares you have newly installed, reboot again and see if the computer returns to normal. Finally, you can do a disk defrag if you have time. Some parts of your harddisk may have problem, it is good to do a defrag. Hope everything is fine!
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
4 Jul 11
Hi, Porkchopchop, I do not think kaspersky is free to download. AVG, and AVAST are available for free installation as far as I know. Your advice regarding some new software messing with the system is appropriate. I hope the steps you listed would work for our friend in trouble.
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
6 Jul 11
If you sure that it's not a virus then it probably two things... weather the processor have a small defect or your memory that have a small defect... you could try underclock the processor first and see if it still hang...
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
4 Jul 11
Hello Sandsmith. Is your processor core 2 duo or dual core? I too have dual core processor 1.8GHz. It works fine even with the 1GB ram I have. There could be some problem with some software on your system which is exhausting all the resources to make your PC hang. You have to identify that one by trial and error and rectify the situation. Actually system hanging can be due to several reasons. I am afraid you have to check and see when and how you are encountering the problem. Till then the normal system maintenance practices suggested by others in this discussion may be tried.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Jul 11
Oh this could be any number of things for sure. Well there could be viruses on your computer. That is one of the main things to check for. Any number of things could be on your computer, so naturally that should be the first thing you check out anyway. That really could be anywhere from easily fixable to a nightmare depending on what has gotten on your computer. Or your computer components could be overheating. Something like that can happen, which causes your computer to stop working. I would either look up how to open up the inside of your computer and clean the dust out to see if that solves the problem or ask someone who might know how and do it. I had that problem with an older computer before and that was one of the reasons, the dust was blocking the passage of air and the computer was overheating.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
i had the same problem. i installed a new and better antivirus and then cleaned up my OS. try doing that. you can also install the CCleaner or you can just clean up your computer by going to accessories (on the start menu) and look for disk clean up. i don't know if this will work on your computer but it worked on mine. good luck and happy mylotting.