Your talk - the mylot search engine...

July 4, 2011 5:27pm CST
I'm new to mylot. Tell me things you like about mylot search engine. The thing i like about it is that here, we talk to people of many different countries and many a times we come across a new term. Being a search engine at hand and as able as google, we use it more often and become enlightened...
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1 response
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
I love mylot search engine because it makes me start a topic without committing a violation on duplication. BEfore i just start off a topic until i learned about the search engine. I thought the search engine is only there to help us find information but it's also there so we can check if the topic we think of discussing has already been posted. So it's a really big help for me and of course the benefit of getting rewarded is there too. Just don't abuse it though.
• India
5 Jul 11
I didn't know that starting similar discussions can have such a big risk of getting it cancelled and in extreme cases, even the account gets suspended! What if a similar discussion was started 2 days ago? I know he's not gonna respond to that. Can i start a similar discussion then?
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
Similar and a duplicate are two different things. A similar topic cannot be cancelled because there's a little difference in the opinion of the starter. But if it's the same, discussing the same topic, point of view and facts, that's a real duplicate.