have you ever cried because of your pet?

July 7, 2011 1:53am CST
i have a pair of hamster that i love because i enjoyed watching them while playing them in their rings.That time,i feel its the best pet for me.but,the time has come its November 1st when i find that both of them are died because of our dog...I totally depressed that time.almost one month before i cope on that.so, have you ever encountered that thing?
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13 responses
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Of course. The loss of a pet is a loss of a loved one. You invested yourself emotionally in taking care of that pet and in some ways it has paid back the investment to you by bringing you joy just by looking at it, playing with it, and being with it. I lost my puppy Max last March 5, 2011. He was 1 year and 3 months. It took me a week of grieving. I cried every night during that week. Now, I know that he is in a better place.
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
yeah!your right, i agree on what you said... thanks for your comment...
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
okay, you're welcome. Hope you're past the grieving stage. Take care.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Jul 11
It is very normal for me to cry when my pets are gone. Since I already regard them as a member of our family. I love China
• United States
7 Jul 11
I love China too. :-)
• United States
28 Nov 11
Ooo I hope your dog got scolded! They have to learn it is not okay to kill smaller animals! That is a horrible way to lose any pet, and I def. understand you getting depressed. I had 3 mice, and I've lost 2...I was really sad over losing both of them, and I'm dreading losing the last one. You're not alone! I'm sorry for your loss.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
I think many who have, or have animals can relate to this. It's hard to loose a believed memeber of the family, and you do go through a grieving with them.
• India
11 Jul 12
Hi friend, sad to hear that you lost your pet hamster due to your dog. Really we will get more pain while losing our beloved pets. I don't have any pets in my house. I have 2 sons and consider them as my pets
• Philippines
11 Jul 12
That was a bad thing that happen.. I am so sorry for your loss..
• Indonesia
7 Jul 11
hi, chismax, I'm so sorry about that, I hope you're moved on now. It's about four years later, I have a orange cat.My cat then bore three kitten.I'm so happy about that because I love my cat very much.We spend many time together, it will always beside me when I was sleeping or studying in my room.But after three kitten born, the situation was changed.My parents hate them because it make our home very noise and look like cat home than human home.The pup of kitten is everywhere.Then my father throw away all of my cats when I went to school.I was so broken and deep hurt.I remember that I didn't want to eat anything for days.That memories make me afraid to have cats again.Till now I don't want to have cat anymore.One year ago I have bunny.I love it too, but it doesn't have long life with me :((
@drasnian (548)
7 Jul 11
I've cried because of a pet before. Like you, I had a hamster, who got old and sick, and the vet said we should put him down if we wanted to be kind, or we could take him home and he'd die anyway in pain :( We had him put down, but it was really sad. I also used to have a dog, for nearly 5 years, until my little sister was born...and was allergic to dogs, so we searched and searched for another family who would take her and be nice to her, and when we dropped her off to them I cried then too. :(
@jimmytai (204)
• Malaysia
17 Jul 11
Yes, i feel very sad when i see my dog is die because accident. My pet is very cute, i very like it. That day, i very sad and also very angry. Why that people drive car like this, must take care about animal!!
• India
7 Jul 11
Feel so bad.I had one black cat in my grandmothers house and it was pregnant.After some moneths it gave birth I loved it like anything.But,4 to 5 days back,the mother cat was lost.I felt so sad and was very unhappy,because the 3 kittens started searching for its mother. After few days,i got the new that,the mother cat is been bitten by a dog.I felt so bad.
7 Jul 11
yes,exactly a month ago i do not know my cat named elisa was knocked on the street near my house,i really felt depressed,when told that elisa by a mistake that i did not close the door of the house at the home..
• United States
7 Jul 11
Yes, I did. Because we also have emotions with animals and it would be normal because we have emotions.
• United States
7 Jul 11
Yes, i had a wonderful dog, but then we moved away and we had to get rid of our dog ;/