
United States
July 8, 2011 10:42am CST
This is a site like swagbucks, if you have not heard of it. It's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to get rewards on, I've racked up 25,000 points on this site and should be eligible for a $300 paypal gift certificate, but no.. they never seem to be in stock. When they restock, it goes in 5 seconds. I've pretty much gave up on this site. I'm just wondering, have you ever won anything amazing (not a keychain) from this site? I've won a few things back in the day when the site was invite only and only few people knew about it, but NOW it's just ahh..
8 responses
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
8 Jul 11
try bidding on some stuff there is always stuff in there you can win
• United States
8 Jul 11
I have, and it's impossible. Every half a second there's someone outbidding you, it never ends.
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
8 Jul 11
oh wow thats really weird well they probly have bots made so that its like impossible for any real people to win i remember when lockerz first started there were always things to redeem and the videos where only like 1 point each why cant they go back to the good times where we had a fair chance
• United States
9 Jul 11
I know right?
• United States
9 Jul 11
I've been with Lockerz for a while. I agree it's impossible to get rewards. I have many points I want to use but can't because the redemption lasts about 5 seconds (Like you said, and also I am aware there is a site that texts you when there is a redemption about to start, but I don't enjoy sitting at my computer refreshing the page, hoping to win). In the auction, someone always wins in the last second. I personally don't like Lockerz, because it is impossible to redeem or win a prize. You should just use your points at the shop.
• United States
11 Jul 11
Yeah. I remember when they let you use points to get 100% off shop items (Now they only let you get up to 30%, I think). This one time, they put items on sale, and I spent half the night trying to get points. :P
• United States
9 Jul 11
Ahh yes, but at the shop you can't buy paypal cards plus at the shop you have to spend money and all of your points.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
I'm a member of lockerz too for almost two years now and I haven't redeemed any.One time I thought I have won because they sent me an email telling me I'm the last bidder on the action but after three hours another email informed me that I was outbid.Now I seldom visit the site because it's just a waste of time.
• United States
9 Jul 11
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
19 Jul 11
thanks for informing about this site. it will save time of other members. nowadays many sites are becoming like this. they start and they do not pay.the money received is diverted for starting another site and this goes on even among big sites. a few are genuine in paying its members.
@iklananda (1202)
28 Jul 11
How to get the ptz ?I watch video and still no ptz earned.
@SynDash (133)
• Lithuania
8 Jul 11
Okay, so first of all, you seem to be a lockerz newbie :D They have redemptions from time to time, that is the time they restock and you get a chance to get yourself something nice. They also have an auction thing. AND they have a shop, where you can get discounts for your ptz. I myself never got anything from them, because I'm just not fast enough and/or there are too many people, using bots :S
• United States
8 Jul 11
I know about them and all, I'm definitely not a newbie It's just frustrating trying to win anything during them.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I have never heard of the site until now and if you can not claim your gifts it sounds like a site you might concider dropping.I wouldn't want to put in all the hard work and then not det compensated for it.I wish you luck and have a great day.
• United States
8 Jul 11
I have never heard of this site before so I am not sure about you being able to redeem your points. It is so frustrating when you put a lot of work in and then can't get nothing. Hope you can get something.