Ebay Invoices - Final Value Fee?

United States
July 8, 2011 12:48pm CST
I don't pay much attention to the money in my paypal account because I'm always adding and withdrawing so it's hard to keep up with. But, I stumbled across my account on ebay this morning to see I have June's Invoice for $1.80. So, I clicked and it seems to take a portion of the things I sell with "Final Value Fee." When I sold on ebay years ago, this didn't happen to me. I don't have insertion fees because I don't sell things for a million dollars, god only knows how much that'd rack up to be. Do you get these Final Value Fees? Are they new to you? How much percent do they take out?
2 people like this
4 responses
8 Jul 11
It's all in their fees help pages. The model used to be incredibly complicated but they're switching to a basic percentage on everything, regardless of sale price. I think it's 10% or something, not sure.
• United States
8 Jul 11
1 person likes this
8 Jul 11
That sounds familiar. I think I said the same thing when I read it.
• United States
9 Jul 11
I've been using ebay for a few years now and all the things I have sold was charged a final value fee. It is annoying to have money taken from me but I am more concerned with the insertion fee since those are fees that I need to pay out of my own pocket if the item doesn't sell. As for the Final Value Fee, I believe it is highest for those items that sold for the most. At least there's a lot of free listing opportunities on ebay now.
• United States
9 Jul 11
Yeah, listing is always free for me because my shipping is always more expensive than the item itself.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
19 Jul 11
u know this. still let me tell u. if u are aware of such fees u have to add it along with the price u want to charge so that u will get what u want. i have not sold or bought anything through ebay.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
8 Jul 11
I have not enjoyed so far this account but I definitely heard it takes a lot of money. But look around you know if you can pull the money. In this world nothing is for free. nice day!
• United States
8 Jul 11
Yes, unfortunately in this world nothing is free..